Ch69 - Late night mysteries

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Lately I've been obsessed with Shingeki no Kyojin // attack on titan. Its awesome and you too should watch it!

I heard her footsteps getting closer to the door. I held my breath even though I knew that it wasn't helping much. Some memories flashed before my eyes. Memories when I wanted to escape my dad's punishment by hiding. So far it had never worked.

I listened to her heartbeat. It would go faster if she expected me or heard me, right?

It never accelerated and she unexpectedly walked past me.

When I was sure she wasn't around anymore, I quickly got from my hiding spot and ran around trying to find the stairs. In the end I managed to find it without any more trouble and walked home.

It was already getting dark outside and it was cold. I wrapped my arms around me to keep myself warm and continued walking.

When I was about half way home, I stopped. I smelled something. Without looking like a total weirdo, I tried to sniff the air and follow my nose.

After some trying, since I still haven't mastered sniffing, I heard a loud scream. It was the scream of someone in pain.

I quickly rushed over to the place it came from while all around me people began to step out of their homes.

As I ran past the last building, the scent of blood hit my nose. I walked to the guy who was laying on the ground, while being really careful that I wouldn't get jumped.

The closer I got, the more the guy smelled like blood and an other scent I hadn't learned yet. It smelled weird. Like sour and bitter... But not really. I had never smelled anything like it.

The guy didn't move. A small pool of blood began to surround his body. I tuned in on my hearing.


I furrowed my eyebrows and tried harder until I realized.

He's dead.

I'm standing near a corpse.

Other people had already gathered behind me and started to mumble. One guy came up to me. "Have you called for an ambulance?" He said worried.

"He's dead. We should call the cops." I said logically.

The guy looked offended and began to argue. "Just because he's looking like that, doesn't mean that he's dead!"

"I... Uh... I checked his pulse."

The guy looked utterly lost and stopped responding. Fine, I'll call the cops myself. I got my phone and stared at the numbers.

Wait... What number is the police? Or should I call the emergency number? Yeah I'll do that! My fingers hovered above the dial button after dialing 112. Wait... Is the emergency number the same for all countries? Maybe 112 doesn't work for America? Maybe that's just Holland?

I groaned and put my phone away. "Someone call the cops!" I shouted behind me. More people began to argue that we should call an ambulance first but this time they listened when I said that he was already dead.

I saw some children getting pushed back by their parents while other adults began to freak out at the sight of a corpse. A few logical thinkers, like myself, got their phone and dialed the emergency number. 

Within a few minutes the place was crowded with cops. All around me people were questioned but as far as I could hear, no one saw anything useful.

"You okay?" I heard Mr Stilinski say. 

He was one of the cops send to investigate. He didn't knew that I'd be there and was surprised when he saw me.

"Yeah I'm fine, Mr Stilinski." I answered while keeping my gaze to the ground. I was leaning against one of the cop cars with my arms crossed.

I wanted to go home. I was cold and annoyed by the amount of questions I had to answer. At first I'd answered them with great detail but after the fourth officer asked the same few questions I began to use summaries.

I should buy a vest or hoodie, I thought to myself. It would be warmer. I can just steal one of Stiles's for now- "We're about done here." Mr Stilinski said, interrupting my thoughts in the process "I would want to give you a ride home but we need to work on this case for now."

"It's fine. I can just walk-" 

"You're not walking." he stated strictly.


"There is a killer on the loose." he argued.

"He's got a point." A familiar voice said behind me.

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