Chapter Two

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Ryder came down and flopped into a couch nearby. He was already wearing his favorite black tee shirt and pair of jeans. Everyone always complimented him whenever he wore this particular tee shirt. He draped a leather jacket to go with it. It was his favorite macho look and if never failed to impress girls. His glance went again and again to the main door but there was no sign of Renee’s elusive best friend. She should have been here by now. Had she canceled her plans?

"I'm ready. How long would the others take?" He asked, wanting to know more about Renée’s best friend specifically. Eyeing the breakfast table, he realized how hungry he really was. "Shouldn't we pack up some food too?" He asked, getting up to go to the table to pick up a burger for himself. 

Ryan came out of his room too and they all waited for the others and sat down at the table to have his breakfast. Finally the main door opened and a cute seventeen year old girl peeped inside. Ryder’s eyes immediately flew towards the door. Of course he knew that vou. It called out to him in his dreams. It was the only one that called him Blue! It was the only one that teased him in his dreams. It was Anastasia’s voice! So she was the elusive best friend to Renée? He had guessed right after all. 

"Is Renée at home?" She asked Rihanna.

"Anastasia?" Asked Rihanna. 

"Yeah," said the girl with a shy smile seeing so many strangers staring at her. Her greenish-blue dress matched with the color of her eyes. Her eyes straight went to Ryder who froze with the burger in front of his open mouth. It was the same reaction he had the other day when she entered the shop. He had frozen with the pizza in front of his mouth! 

Anastasia blushed furiously seeing him. ‘Blue? What was he doing here?’ She thought looking flustered and confused. Rihanna checked what made her color profusely and giggled away seeing Ryder's condition. 

"Bro, either eat it or give it to me," she said to him. "Ryan, go and inform Renée that her friend's here," said Rihanna, getting up to help the shy girl. Rex came out of his room with his bag and looked at Anastasia. Ryder gestured something at him and he started grinning. 

"Come inside please, Anastasia. Renée will be here any minute. I'm Rihanna, her cousin, that's Rhett and Rex, my siblings. That's Ryder, Renée's sibling. You saw Ryan her other sibling, who's gone to fetch her," introduced Rihanna. Anastasia’s eyes widened hearing Ryder’s name. Rhett smiled and waved at her. 

"Did you have your breakfast?" He asked politely. 

"Yes, thank you. It'll take sometime to remember each of your names, though," she said apologetically but her eyes again landed on Ryder. To her, he’ll always be Blue but she had to admit that he looked hotter in black. Ryder raised an eyebrow at her, and she looked away.

"That's okay, you'll catch up," said Rihanna as she packed food for their trip. Renée rushed out to greet Anastasia. 

"Hey Anna, I'm so glad that you could make it. Where's your bag?" She asked. Anastasia face palmed and went outside to the porch where she'd left her bag. Once she returned they started discussing their plans. Adelaide came in just as Sawyer came out of his room and they were all set to go. 

"I'll go with Renée and Anastasia," said Sawyer.  

"I'm coming along too, bro," said Ryder, immediately on alert. He wanted to talk to her again without drawing much attention of his family. Renée glared at him trying to warn him of her friend but Ryder grinned back shamelessly. He would pay any attention to that warning! 

“I'll drive Adelaide," said Rhett and they all smiled knowingly. His cheeks colored a little. 

"I can drive Rihanna and Ryan, " said Rex. 

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