I am failing this book ahhh sorryyy

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I hate this book being a disapointment. I've been trying to finally finish it, but to be honest I have a bit of a writer's block. I know how the story will end, but the chapters leading up to it aren't quite there yet. I am not quite happy with them. They need a lot of work and I've been trying to brainstorm ideas, but I'm just at a block right now. 

My life has been really hard lately and I've been really burnt out. I apologize for the inconvenience you guys. I really want to finish this book, but I'm losing motivation and I just keep procrastinating it. I'm not super busy anymore, yet I still have a hard time finding time for it. 

Once again, I'm sorry to all of you out there, and to you who is reading this right now. You've come a long way reading all my chapters and I can't thank you enough for the support and love I have received. I am going to try and work extra hard this coming couple of weeks to get those chapters ready for publication.

Expect a chapter in the next couple of weeks, and I apologize to everyone who has waited a long time for these coming chapters. Thank you again for reading and giving me a chance.


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