Chapter 21

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You open your eyes, your hip throbbing as you immediately try to sit up. A hand shoots out, pushing you gently down until you lay completely flat. You squeeze your eyes shut as your vision falls into a haze.

"W-what happened?" You croak, your voice screeching. Your head is laid on a soft pillow, and on top of your forehead rests a damp cloth.

You blink as you hear footsteps on your right side. "(Y/N)?!" Someone says surprised, and you hear footsteps falling heavy, louder with each step, as the person moves .ore closely towards you. "Oh I'm so glad you're alright!" A familiar voice cries out. You smile, before wiping your eyes as you look at the figure standing over you. "Rathna?" You say as you inch your way into a sitting position and she frowns.

You look around the room, to see Thorvol sitting in a chair a few feet away from your bed. The room is very fancy, and the walls are engraved with golden lining and fancy torches next to a few tapestries.

"W-where am I?" Your voice wavers once more and you take in a deep breath as the door across the room from you opens. In steps Klan. Once you see him, a grin appears on your face and he smiles back at you, his helmet in a tight clutch in his palms.

"(Y/N)! I can't believe you're alright!" Klan yells as he enters the room, he sweeps across the floor with a cursory step until he is right by your side. 

"Klan? Are you alright? What happened?" You say now fully remembering what happened before you blacked out. Klan looks up at Rathna who is looking at Thorvol. You look at Klan, a little confused to notice a few bandages Klan has. One is wrapped around his head, another around his hand, and one of his arms his wrapped close to his chest resting in an injured state. 

"We were ambushed by a battalion of fifty or more orcs. Although, we're not completely sure and counting since it was dark. They lit the forest on fire keeping us all trapped. Worgs began to appear before you blacked out." Klan smiles, before continuing. "(Y/N), you took out a whole lot of em. I'm proud of you. You were very brave." 

With bashful expression, you look to Rathna, whose arms are crossed. As soon as you notice her neutral face expression showing no emotion. You suppress any thoughts of Rathna actually being proud of you. But deep inside, you knew that what you had done, all that training had paid off. Even if Rathna didn't praise you.

"Thank you. But I have to ask, what happened after I blacked out?" You ask, now turning back to Klan, forgetting that Thorvol was still in the room. You can hear him shift as Klan opens his mouth to speak.

"Well, Rathna and a company of fifty or so saw the smoke after Relgin was coming to catch up with us. He warned everyone once he saw it and so we were able to safely get away." Klan looks up at Rathna and you shift in your bed. "Is everyone alright?" You ask. Remembering now, Thrain had been injured with a few burns, but before you really did black out, the orcs had ran forward in hopes of catching you before the army of dwarves could get to us. 

Klan shakes his head in devastation. "Dimur suffered a head injury. His belly has a large gash in it. Thrain has second degree burns all across his back and feet, and Gloindil is doing just fine with only a few scrapes and bruises." 

"And what about you and me?" You ask, and notice Rathna rolling her eyes. She turns away to walk towards Thorvol who is still sitting in the chair nearby.

"Well, you have a deep gash, many scrapes and bruises. Some head injuries and first degree burns which are mostly healing. I on the other hand was not harmed whatsoever."

You smile, "Well lucky you!" Klan laughs, "I'm glad you came along, you were the reason we had a chance really." How could that be? I'm only a rookie! Your  thoughts immediately say.  "Me?!" You blurt, now regretting what you had said.

Klan almost rolls his eyes. "Thrain hasn't been in the greatest shape from previous expeditions, Gloindil hasn't trained in months, he is more of a pessimist anyways. He barely really fought. And Dimur isn't much of a fighter really at all. He is just tagging along because King Odin likes his reports I guess?" Klan laughs, and you smile until you notice Rathna and Thorvol both standing now. Looking like they're having an argument. 

You look their way catching onto what is being said and Klan goes silent. "Fine, I didn't care anyways." Rathna says hot with anger. 

"Okay, I will then." Thorvol says mellow toned. He gives Rathna a remorse glare and storms out of the room. Rathna puts a hand to her forehead, shaking her head in frustration before she two leaves the room.

"What was that about?" You ask Klan who is still in the room. He shrugs. "They've been going at each other ever since the day you passed out." What? Ever since I blacked out? 

"What do you mean ever since the day I passed out? You mean," You pause deep in thought. Could you have really been out for so long? 

"(Y/N), you've been out for days." A feeling of rage appears on your face and Klan takes a step back from the bed. "How many?" You ask scared.


Two whole days!? You were going to go see Legolas! You still had to figure things out with Glain!

"(Y/N) I wish I could stay, but I have a scheduled meeting I must go to, and prepare for things that are going to be taking place in a few days or so." Klan says mysteriously, changing the subject so suddenly.

What was his deal?

"Uh.. Okay. I was planning on leaving too." 

"What?" Klan blurts out. "You can't, you're not well!" Klan says, urging you to not leave the room. "Besides, Rathna's coming back in a bit, and she's going to be watching you for most of today."

"I'm fine." You say annoyed. You just wanted to get up and stretch, move around. Even if your head was aching like crazy at the current moment. Getting fresh air seemed like the perfect idea. You just needed to find that one hallway with that one passage way leading to outside. You hadn't been there in days, surely you'd be able to find it once again? Hopefully.

"You're not fine. You just suffered from multiple injuries. Especially your hip. We don't even know if you can really walk!" Klan says.

"Let's find out." You grin, and begin to push yourself to the edge of the bed, letting your feet fall to the floor. Klan rushes over almost instantly has you wobble. You fall back down into a sitting position. 

"Told you." Klan says, rolling his eyes before continuing. "(Y/N), I just wanted to check to see if you're alright, but I didn't expect this. Please, just wait for Rathna to return while I take care of some things." He leaves without waiting for your response.

You cross your arms, annoyed with everything at the moment. Being stuck in this room was not an option, and apparently Klan didn't know you well enough.

You stand up again, wobbling only slightly this time. You limp to the door, slowly creaking it open after a few minutes, hoping you gave enough time for Klan to be far away from you. 

I just got to get some fresh air.

You walk into the commons, avoiding everyone near the center and stick to the sides, until a hoard of dwarves accidentally shove you into the center and you get mixed up with the flow of traffic, before you were even able to reach the narrow hallway leading to your room and secret passage.

Bumping around, you try and sift through the chaotic mess until someone rams into you from your uninjured side. "Sorry." Gluff says eyeing your bandages. 

"You're fine." You say, louder than usually. The crowded room seems to make your headache worse and you let out a moan in frustration. Gluff walks forward as he is shoved into another person.

Finally, you decide to follow the flow of traffic, annoyed with everything until you run into Rathna who is in the hallway of the room you had woken up in. She looks displeased along with the surprise of not finding you there.

"(Y/N!)" She yells and you bite your lip.

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