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Hey everyone,

I want to apologize for my inactivity. Life gets crazy and I've had no time whatsoever to get on WattPad in a long while and if I'm going to be completely honest, I have completely forgotten about WattPad until recently when one of my friends from school brought it up to me.

I will update by this coming week hopefully, although these past couple weeks have been pretty hectic. You all have been a big help and I want to show my appreciation and am glad that at least some people like my writing ♥️

sunny08691 thank you for your supportive words! You give great advice and I'm glad that you are one of my readers!

TheDoctorOfYou you give great feedback and criticism. I can always count on you to help fix my story!! Thanks so much!

lotr_fangirl16 thank you for always being so supportive! You've motivated me to continue to write when sometimes I seriously just wanted to quit cause I thought my writing was terrible.

crazyreader87 thanks for your help! You've been very supportive and I seriously appreciate it!

JadeWolf87 You have always been the first person to read my stories!! Thank you so much for the motivation and all your comments!! You rock!

oofgirlsmiles10 I've always loved reading your comments. Thank you so much! Also, I love your username 😉!

AspentheWhite thank you for voting and commenting! I love your comments! Thanks for the support :)

Firefoxy9816 thank you for always helping me, giving me feedback and such! I've known you for a lot of my life and I just want to give you a shout out for being that friend to me ❤️ You've been so supportive and such a big help when I struggled with writing my story! Love you tons 😘

And a quick shout out to all of you! I've already said it multiple times, but I have to say it again cause ya'll don't know how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate you all.

Thank. You. All. So. Much.

I never thought I would ever reach 500 reads, let alone 4k! You guys have made my dreams come true farther than I would imagine!

Thank you for giving me this.

If you ever need any help, seriously, just ask! I would be very willing to help any of you to the best of my abilities. You all mean so much to me, so seriously, don't be afraid to ask!

I'll end here. See you all this coming week! ♥️


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