Chapter 40

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"It's me (Y/N)!" You shout to them and step a little forward. Another arrow flies and plunges into the ground right in front of you.

"Stay where you are." Grumbles one of the dwarves.

"I have come to see Rathna!"

"Well Rathna doesn't want to see you." A familiar voice says from behind you. You widen your eyes and quickly turn around, seeing the one and only, Rathna sitting on her mountain goat.

And that was when you realized how cruel you were when you left. You slap your forehead internally and guilt floods your mind.

Stepping towards her, you ignore the dwarves. "Rathna."

"I didn't think I'd see you here, not after you left."

"I'm sorry." You say looking down at the rocks beneath you. Rathna's gaze was intimidating, and she was only raised a little bit by her mountain goat, making her much taller than you.

"Sorry? Sorry for what."

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen." You say pathetically.

"Yeah Well it happened whether we both liked it or not." She glares, until she sees the defeat in your eyes once you take a glance towards her. "I-- I know you didn't (Y/N).." She trails off into a sad silence, the opposite of what she began with.

"Would you care to join me inside?" She gives you a small smile and you look towards Legolas who had his hand ready to pull out an arrow.

"Yes." You say and Legolas looks at you confused. You gesture your hands toward him, telling him to settle.

"You, stay out here." Rathna says to Legolas, and she watches him closely as she passes him. You follow behind her. "I'll just be a minute." You say to Legolas and he tosses his switch blade into the air, catching it as it falls.

"Don't be too long." He replies with a sigh, knowing there was no way he could stop you.

Reaching the doors, Rathna hops off her mountain goat and a squire comes to take it to the stables. "How is everyone?" You ask.

"Since you left?" She asks, and you nod. "We're hanging in there."

"Where's Dimur, the last time I saw him was in the dark forest." You say, remembering the trauma you faced back then.

"Haven't seen him."


"He's in his chambers, hasn't come out in a little while." Rathna frowns.

"Rathna--" You begin and she shakes her head and you stop yourself.

"No. Let me get one thing straight," She begins, and you stop in the hallway close to Yewlt's post. "Who's side are you on?"

You blink, surprised by the sudden question. How could you answer that? Who's side were you truly on?

"I--I don't know." You choke.

"You don't know?" Rathna says with widen eyes. 'Well seeing that you came with an Elf, I have to assume you're with them." Rathna says narrowing her eyes. She glares in anger.

"How could you say that?" You reply shocked.

"War is coming whether you like it or not." Rathna says coldly, she whirls around, now facing away from you. "I guess you'd better leave before we hold you as a prisoner." She begins to walk down the cold hallway.

"Rathna wait!"

"No (Y/N). Get back to your real family."

A tear falls down your cheek as you see Rathna go down the familiar hallways. The hallways you went down everyday, everyday of your life.

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