Chapter 33

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As much as you didn't want to agree with Legolas and Elrond, you knew they were right. There wasn't much you really could do.

A lot of the elves here didn't even like your presence and you didn't fit in at Rivendell. But come to think of it, you didn't really fit in anywhere. You weren't even a dwarf like you thought you were. And you clearly didn't fit in there either. 

"(Y/N)?." A voice says behind you. You were kind of glad it wasn't Legolas for once. He was too serious for you, especially right now. 

"Oh sorry, I-" You pause. "was just thinking." You turn around to face Elrond standing in the open room with drapes as walls and pillars as the corners.

"About what?" He asks, sincerely.

"Nothing really. Just that-" You begin, but he cuts in. 

"That you feel like this is all your fault?"

"Yes." You frown, then take a moment to realize he had known some how. A face of shock slaps itself onto your face. "How did you know?" 

"Telepathy." He replies, but his mouth is not moving. Your jaw drops. What else could the elves do?? Could you possibly do that too?  A short pause breaks in. You weren't sure what to say, could he hear your thoughts? I'm the cause of this war, though aren't I?

"Not necessarily." Elrond replies, actually speaking this time, stepping closer to you. The wind picks up in the process and the drapes float. How was he able to hear what you were thinking? It blew your mind. 

"What do you mean?" You say, slipping your bow over your head after you had slipped on the pair of boots that Elrond had gifted you earlier. They were soft, but strong and had good traction. 

"Because Dwarves and Elves haven't gotten along in the first place. You couldn't possibly be the reason. We seem to have a lot of disagreements as is." He finishes. "However, with the circumstances at hand and the rumors of the heirlooms, I presume someone had something to do with it."

"I guess so, but I'm the one who had the jewels or whatever when I was taken during the massacre, which is how the Dwarves got a hold of them.  So doesn't that mean I lead up to this?"

"That wasn't your fault was it? The choices of others can sometimes effect and change our lives. However, that effect in our lives always leaves us with our own choices and provides us with our own changes."

"What do you mean?" You reply.

"I'm saying that the way we react to them matters more than those effects others have left on us." Elrond smiles, gesturing towards the open doorway once you turn to face him.

"Be safe on your journey to Bree. I had Elandril prepare some of my best horses for you and Legolas to take."

"Thank you Elrond." You smile. You think and he pats your shoulder as you pass him. Even if you still felt a little guilty, Elrond was right. You couldn't change others, you couldn't control what others did, but what you could control was what you did about it. 


(Y/N), are you coming?" Legolas says a ways ahead of you. You sigh with frustration. You and Legolas had left Rivendell little to over an hour ago and you were still having trouble guiding your horse's direction.

"Yeah, still new at this." You say trying to keep the frustration out of your voice.

"Well hurry up! We only have till sundown." Legolas sighs.

How much more annoying could Legolas get? He was perfect, arrogant, and definitely a show off. You roll your eyes internally.

"I'm coming."

Legolas stops his horse as you finally catch up. "What are you looking at?" You sigh, brushing the sweat off your forehead. The day seemed to just get hotter and hotter.

You look to where Legolas is looking and notice a forest just down the hill you and Legolas were on top of.

"Are we even heading the right way?"

"We should be." He says quietly, focused on something else. 

"So.. what's the plan then?" You ask, wondering if he even heard you. His focus wasn't on you, and he seemed deep in thought or somewhere else.

After a long pause, he responds. "We go around it. It may take longer, but I think that's our best bet." He turns to face you.  "You'll be able to guide your horse right?" He smirks.

You don't say anything, and instead give him an easy glare, with a very small smile. You feel like punching him in the arm, but you don't act on it.

"Alright, let me lead the way." Legolas says and you raise an eyebrow as he turns away from you.


Traveling around the forest was tiring and horrendous. You were in open view, covered in sunlight. Shade was out of the picture.

Legolas let's out a sigh and you look his way, noticing that you had stopped and he was now a few feet ahead of you.

"Coming!" You say, and pick up the pace, trying to keep an open mind.

For once you missed the caves. You missed the cold. Even if things were dark, it was better there than where you were. You were literally going to die by over sweating!

"Okay, we're almost past this forest. I can see the hills just over there that we need to get to."

You ignore his response. "Legolas, what's it like being away from home?"

He stops his horse and turns his attention to you, noticing how sincere you were and how serious the situation became.

"Well," He begins, and moves his eyes away from yours, almost as if he was deep in thought. "You have a lot more freedom. I like getting my hands dirty." He pauses, looking back at you. "It can be nice to get away and try new things and be adventurous. I like adventure, and adventures are away from home."

"So, are you away from home a lot?"

"More than I'll ever want to admit." Legolas says expressionless.

"Well I guess you're lucky, I've never been on an adventure before, unless you count patrols at Ered Mithrin." You sigh.

"You're on one right now!" He replies and pushes your shoulder, you blink. "Come on! We'd better get to Bree if we want to find the wizard!"

You rub your shoulder in disbelief, not ready for that kind of response and watch Legolas pick up speed as he and his horse gracefully gallop down the hill.

"Come on slowpoke!" Legolas calls.

You roll your eyes in the process as your horse begins to move.

You roll your eyes in the process as your horse begins to move

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Hey everyone. My apologies for being slow. I have had a really hard month and so it had been hard to write. Thank you for being patient and I hope to make it up to you all :-)

If there are errors, sorry! Call them out so I can fix them.

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