Chapter 14

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"Alright. That's enough for today." Rathna says plainly as your axe stands upright under your arm holding you from collapsing.

You breathe in heavily, tired from all the practicing.

"(Y/N), take a mining shift in a half hour after you take a break. I want to see you here again in three hours alright?"

Do this, do that. That was all Rathna had been saying to you for the past day up until now. It frustrated you so much and you couldn't help but show it in your facial expression.  
Rathna sees your grimace, as you stand up completely and set your axe back on the weapon stand next to the one Relgin had used earlier. You breathe in heavily, finally catching your breath.

"(Y/N), did you not hear me?"
"I did." You say in reply, you didn't feel up to talking to Rathna at the moment. It made you frustrated that you weren't finished for the day.

Working hard for two hours straight with sweat dripping down your forehead was not something you liked doing.
"I'll tell Harvol that you'll be coming in an hour." "Why?" You respond, a little too irritated. Rathna catches your tone and spits back at you. "Don't ask something you already know."
She was right. You did know, but you could help but feel like that wasn't all the reason.Rathna of course didn't want you miss the shift. But your real question came to why? Why did she want so badly to make are you were doing what you are supposed? You didn't need to be supervised anymore!
"I have a headache." Rathna distorts as you and her walk out the large open room. You walk in silence, ignoring Rathna as she blubbers small talk.
Once you escape Rathna you walk towards the beginning of the Royal Halls and step down the stairs make as a little as no sound.

As you step, you hear your tiny steps and focus on the sound, until another breaks in. Someone else was on the steps.
You immediately look and find yourself a few meters away from Thorvin. He stares at you with his malevolent eyes, and skulks across the steps, keeping his eyes locked on you.
A rush of butterflies fill in your stomach and your heart begins to pound.
He looks at you uninterested until he spits out, "What are you looking at." Not even stating it as a question.

You give him the same look, before turning on your heel and leaving the steps and Thorvin goes on his way.
You look back, as Thorvin walks down the Royal Hall, slowly. His helmet shimmers in the torch light, it's shining silver beams.
You turn your head to face forward before walking down the cavern annoyed. At the end of the hall is a dead end with two halls in both sides of it.

You take to the right and walk down the cobblestone. As you reach the end, a torch sits on the wall with only one way to go now.

You go left, your feet throbbing as you walk. When you finally reach the end, out In front of you, the ceiling rises and soon every wall around you pulls away from you and your surroundings are open and free.
All around you dwarves stand about, the room echoed with conversations. You step down from the close pillar at the end of the wall, remembering why there is such a crowd.
The crowd of Dwarves were there to meet with King Odin. Even you could get in the bulky line, but what would you want to talk to Odin about? Having that one conversation with him that one time was enough cringe for you in a lifetime.
You walk past the bulk of Dwarves to finally reach the other end of the large room. The room is filled with torches, and pillars are laid down every two feet from the next, aligning the walls.
The loud noise of the Commons fades in the back of your mind as you continue on your way in clomping steps.
"Where did we go wrong?" A voice spilled. The person sniffled and you could tell they were crying.

"It's not your fault Rathna." Another voice replied. Their tone was deep and you could tell right off the bat who was talking. You peered around the corner in the narrow hallway.

In the middle of the small room Rathna and Thorvol were standing. He stood in silence and you could tell apart of him wanted to go over and put his arms around her tiny body, compared to his, and yet for some reason he held back.
"I should've known, I should have expected this to happen." She pauses before wiping another tear away. "Why couldn't I had been reasonable and talked to Athadrim?"
Athadrim? You had never heard that name before, except it seemed to ring through you.
"The past is past, what's done is done." Thorvol smiled, genuinely. "You need to forgive yourself."
"I can't, and now everything is changing." Rathna cried. Thorvol stepped closer.
What is she so upset about?

You had never seen Rathna so heartbroken before. It made you want to rush in the room and give her a tight hug. It made you feel down seeing her like this.
"I wish I would have done more for her."

For her? Is she talking about me?
"Making her go down into those old mines. I could never spend an hour in them. I've treated her awfully recently. I can see why she's been so stubborn-"

Thorvol broke in. "She got it from her mother." He says it so kind and sweet, as he stares into Rathna's evergreen eyes.
Rathna broke the nostalgia as she turned her eyes to the floor. "I never was her mother." Tears fell down her tepid cheeks.


You flinch away, your heart pounding as the floorboards under you begin to creak.

You rush away from the narrow hallway your own tears falling down. You run on trying to get as far away from the room as possible until you trip.
All this time, you had thought Rathna hadn't cared a single day for the past three months about you or anything you did.
Trying to suck it all on, you enter the Commons, and notice the crowd of Dwarves.
You wipe your few a tears before sliding through the human forest in hopes of making it across to where your room was. And underneath all the racket, you heard someone. Were they calling your name?
"(Y/N)!" Someone shouts. They were.
You turn around. "(Y/N)!" They yell again. Who could that be? You turn on your heel, wondering who is looking for you.

Please don't be Harvol..

You stand still waiting for them to call out again, but they don't. Instead you feel an arm on your shoulder and turn to find Glain.
"Glain?" You say exhilarated trying to forget your eavesdropping, "What are you doing here!"
"Looking for you." He says, catching his breath. He looks around at the other Dwarves, then back at you. "I could ask you the same thing." His eyes are a beautiful taupe brown and his helmet is tilted on the side.

"What are you doing here?" He finishes, "Well, I was training with Rathna."
"She's training you? Why?"

I could ask the same question.
Glain starts to walk away from the overwhelming room of noise. "I'm not sure why. She just said that it was time she finally would teach me I guess?"

Glain frowns as you leave the room and walk down to another hallway away from the unkempt room.
"Okay, well there's something I have to show." He smiles, with his quirky grin. "Except, it's actually not good news." His smile rapidly changes to a frown and he stops in his tracks.

"Although I don't believe it's the best thing for us." "What do you mean?" You reply a little confused.
What was Glain talking about? You had talked to him just yesterday! What could it possibly be to happen so quickly?
Glain picks up speed and you trail behind until you reach the entrance to the mines. You follow Glain up the stairs to the left of the mines and reach the room Glain had showed the map to you.

Glain's frown is dismal, anxious. He scurries into the room and pulls apart papers, books, and just about anything in the room that had clutter.
"Glain, what's going on?" You ask a little worried. So much had gone on, and you were exhausted. And your mind kept going to an over exaggerated complaint about having to go back into the mines because of Rathna.
Glain opens his secret compartment hidden in the wall. You look inside.

"(Y/N)," Glain reiterates as he stops fumbling. He looks up at you. You look back at him knowing exactly what he's about to say.

"It's gone, they took it."

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