Chapter 9

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(Your Attacker's p.o.v)

I zone out, remembering my duties outside of our civilization.

I walk out of Rivendell, the sun shining brightly, glorifying the white stone of the city's magnificent walls.

As I reach the forest, I eye a tree out in front of me, as it speaks to me. Telling me that there was someone else close by.

I look around the forest awaiting an attack as I inch forward with caution.

The sunset in the horizon is a red orange and I know that blood has been spilled. I step forward once more, and hear a twig snap.

I jump, latching onto the tree in front and pull myself into a crouched position in one steady movement.

The trees sway silently as a cool breeze passes and some of the foliage fall to the ground. Green, red, yellow, orange were some of the magnificent colors of my surrounds.

The sky was a light blue blending well with it all, and to the North of my position, was the sunset. An orange red spilling upon the blue. Clouds circled overhead and the tall forest grass sprung up into a yellow green.

With the view I could see, I looked around my surroundings encouraged to find the unwelcome guest. This was my forest. Mine and mine alone.

My subconscious interrupted my thoughts. "Not yours, your father's." It yelled out. I glared. Whoever was out here was going to pay.

I leap from tree to tree closing in on the stranger's noises that couldn't be any louder. As I reach the next tree I'm leaping too, I see a figure swoop at the corner of my eye.

My head spins immediately, turning towards that direction. Soon the figure is out of site, but I have tracked them down. I leap to a tree close by them, hoping to catch them off guard.

I watch overhead as the person crouches on a rock while watching a rustle in the bushes. The person is an elf, a she-elf.

The Elf has long hair the color (your hair color). It flows magically down her back as she concentrates on the bush out in front. Her eyes are a beautiful (your eye color) and they seem to gleam like the stars.

Except, something is off about this elf. This elf is wearing somewhat of a full armor look. Their robes are a weird color, unusual to you and the elf is wearing a silver helmet.

Why a helmet?

By the way she was dressed, I could tell she wasn't from Mirkwood or Rivendell. The others were almost impossible. Not very likely

She lifts her bow, ready to strike. By the way she holds the bow makes me cringe. I can't help but fumble. I look down at her, still as ever, hoping she had not heard me. She aims her bow, and bam.

Her tiny fingers release the arrow, which hits its mark directly in the exact spot that I would aim for. Shocked by her skills, I look at her bow hold again, curious as to why she was able to do that.

She stands up, rushing towards her prey, quickly picking it up before cheering a little, then looking around to make sure that nobody had heard her, except I had.

She pulls out the arrow in disgust and I look at the eyeball, its cool features, as she shakes it off her pointy arrow. Once she swings her bow over her back, she is on the move again, in a hurry and she climbs up a steep hill.

Where is she going? I thought.

She moves forwards, a little sloppy, not even noticing my presence, until she turns around, to look straight at the tree I am sitting in.

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