Chapter 20

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The forest was on fire. Trees rose with smoke, and fire seemed to blaze in every direction and you found yourself trapped in the midst with the sounds of the fire crackling and popping consuming your ears.

In front of you were your company of four, with you being the fifth member. You stood at the back as Dimur, Klan, Thrain, and Gloindil held their ground against the belligerent orcs.

Coughing, you take out your bow from your back, loading it with one silver arrow. You dodge an orc, and knock it into the flames, shaking.

Standing in the center of the burning circle around you, your company is taking on dozens of orcs and here you stand, not doing the slightest bit.

Your heart is pounding, your body almost frozen from the dark eyes and gnarly teeth You seen in front of you. You pull back your arrow, keeping your strength with your cowering body. Taking in a deep breath, you close your eyes.

Thrain was right, I am a coward.

You now knew the real reason why Rathna had kept you away from the forest, from being outside. You felt lucky to had never run into a hoard of orcs with one of your visits with Legolas or even to your sycamore tree.

"We need to get out of here!" Klan yells swinging his ax. It splits into an Orc's head, and the crumbling body tumbles to the ground.

I have to do something.

All the training with Rathna had to do you good. Otherwise, it was a waste. A waste you weren't willing to pay.

Opening your eyes, you pull your bow back and aim at an orc holding its butchering blade to slice into Dimur's shoulder. You release the arrow as a drop of sweat rolls down your temples.

The arrow hits its mark, and the orc gargles in pain, pulling the arrow out of its throat quicker than you could blink, but before it can really do anything else, you're next to it, pulling out your switch blades into your defensive stance. You knock it down, cutting off its head. Its dark blood squirts out and onto your arm. You look down in disgust.

As a natural reaction, you slide your blades into their sheaths on your back and pull your bow out again loading it with arrows as you go. The arrows fly, hitting their marks. Many orcs fall to the ground.

Klan looks around at the Orcs who had surrounded him, now all toppled on top of each other, dead. He throws his ax at you, not being able to move in time. It flies past you and anchors a deep gash into an Orc's thoracic cavity who was about to butcher you.

You breathe in heavily. He saved me.

You look to the left of the growing fire. Thrain is still fighting off at least seven orcs who keep backing him into the burning flames.

I have to help him.

You reach for your arrows, to find yourself not feeling any. Where are my arrows?! You reach farther back, as far as you can go. There was none there and a rush of panicking immediately rushes down your spine and to the rest of your body.

Thrain's foot reaches the flames and he cries out in anguish. The Orcs skulk forward. Standing frozen, you watch as they hold out their killing machine weapons towards him. Finally regaining your strength, you rush forward swinging your bow over your back, wary of Thrain's safety.

You swing your arms back, pulling your switch blades back out. Running forward, you climb onto a large boulder.

With a swift jump, you cut through the air lunging forward with your blades. The Orcs look up at you as you move your legs out in front.

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