Chapter 25

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The smooth arrow whirls into your direction, aiming straight for your forehead, you watch it almost in slow motion as it hurls towards you. You duck, lunging forward and fall to the ground immediately, managing to do a clumsy somersault.

The arrow swirls in a flurry, cutting into a tree right behind you. You look back at it, the arrow skimming the bark as it subsides causing a turbulent force and the bark collapses to the ground.

The goblins stay put, loading their bows with another striking arrow. Widening your eyes, you get to your feet, noticing insidious eyes peering out from behind the fog of a birch tree. Sweat drips down your forehead.

You run forward, and in a lumbering manner, you jump clutching onto the birch tree the goblins were up in. Closing in on them before another arrow is released. You are so close to it, that you have no time to get out of the way. The arrow goes right into your shoulder causing outrageous pain. You scream out in anguish as another goblin begins to unleash his arrow.

Pulling out your dual blades, you slice the waxy green arm that stretches out, pulling the arrow back and quickly grasp the arrow allowing it to do no harm. The arm descends in the process. The goblin squeals in pain, which echoes throughout the forest, along with the fog rising.

The other two goblins sitting in the tree, frozen in terror as you reach for their bows. "I'll be taking those." You say with temerity in your voice. You break the bows in two, tossing them off to the side. The goblins squawk with fear, and you position your blades near their throats. "Get out of here." You say bravely. The goblins don't even take a second to think about it, and before you can even blink, they're gone.

Pain throbs in your shoulder and you look down at the newly found wound. The arrow is lodged in your left shoulder close to your armpit. Blood is slowly pouring out, drenching your gray tunic and you slowly put your hand on it to pull it out. You draw it out slowly, throwing the arrow in an angry manner. 

Still holding back pain, you give a small smile at your victory, now fully realizing what you had done. Putting your dual blades back into their sheaths, you turn to grab onto a branch and slip down the trunk to the ground. Before you can even begin your slide, you remember the dark, belligerent eyes staring at you. You focus your eyes on the spot you had seen them, but the fog was too strong and anything lurking there would not be seen.

You stay in the tree, fearful to get back on your feet. Your mountain goat had disappeared, and along with it, Dimur. Where had Dimur gone?

Abandonment was at the top of your list, and the thought of Dimur abandoning you seemed very likely. Dimur was not a fighter, sure he was a sourpuss, but truth be told, he was definitely one who would not survive long in an outrageous -but small- battle you had just been a part of.

Your mind goes back to remember the insidious eyes staring at you. Was that Dimur? The eyes were glowing, yellow almost, with more of a wolf look to them, but if it had been a wolf, it would have been a lot shorter than it was.

You gulp, watching your surroundings, too nervous to even move. If the thing was loitering, that would be an issue that you did not want to have to deal with. If you were to hop down now, it may come out to attack you. Scared for those consequences, you stay in the tree as the sun slowly begins to dim in the horizon.

The sky fills with the last bits of sunlight, painted with the vibrant colors of soft oranges, reds, and yellows. The red sun skulks behind the mountain peak just a ways North. You guessed it was the Blue Mountains. You remembered them on the maps you used to study in Professor Tauran's class.

Although, Dimur really was the coward of the amity. As you were deep in thought about Dimur, the sound of footsteps catch your ears. You look down, seeing a figure skulk forward. The thick fog almost completely dusting out the figure. The shadow slinks towards you, their malicious eyes are the only thing revealing where they were now. "W-whose there?" You stammer, holding your ground, too nervous to move. The pain in your shoulder throbs and you hold back the agony, trying to focus on the stranger in front of you.

The figure stays silent, their eyes still on you, penetrating every nerve in your entire body. You slowly pull out your bow, carefully loading an arrow as the figure creeps forward. The fog begins to disperse, spreading out as a cool breeze whooshes by. The figure stands at the foot of the tree, taller than ever.

Trembling, you pull back an arrow, aiming straight for the troll's head. The troll lets out a vociferous grunt. The grunt is so loud that you are unable to hear the hoard of orcs running out from behind him.

Your eyes immediately widen, as your opponents move forward. Goblins jump out from the other edge of the forest, a few riding predatory arachnids. You release an arrow, lodging right into the troll's eye. It screeches painfully in a clamorous manner, as the goblins begin to climb the tree.

You jump from your tree, launching yourself towards another tree and grab onto one of the branches, climbing as high as you can. The noises of gurgles, squawks, and shrills of your opponents occupy your hearing and all you can think is to get out of there. You load another arrow, and it flies striking a goblin in the throat as it jumps off the tree towards you. A bundle more begin to occupy the branches and more and more begin to jump.

You watch as two of the goblins lunge for you, and you pull out one of your blades. The goblins fall towards the ground, barely missing the branch in front of you. You release another arrow but miss, as another squawk is heard under the troll's shrill.

The orcs surround your tree, whacking at it with their cutlasses. You jump once again to another tree and the hoard begins to follow, along with the troll.

The troll lets out another shrill, pulling the arrow out of his eye as he glares with his one malevolent, yellow eye. His only focus is you and he runs forward, squishing a few orcs as he goes. Your eyes widen as he closes in on you.

You climb higher and higher in the tree, hoping to be out of reach as he approaches. The troll runs through the chaos, ripping the tree roots from the ground, and the tree begins to tilt. You jump out of it, your heart racing. You grab onto your shoulder and feel the wet liquid of blood overwhelming your tunic. The quick arm movement causes more excruciating pain. 

The tree you fall in is right next to the troll and in it rests a few goblins screeching at you as they pull out their daggers. You whack them with your bow as they lose their balance and fall. Once they hit the ground, an enormous foot lands, squishing them.

You look up, mortified by what you just witnessed. The troll glowers at you, still holding the tree branch. He smashes it down on the ground next to your tree, causing a ruckus and you lose your own balance. You cry out in pain as you hit the ground, your shoulder covered in blood.

An orc runs forward, using a cutlass to sear into your stomach. You grab your bow, stopping the piercing blade as it edges to cut in. Pushing up, you hold your position. More sweat drips down your forehead and your face begins to turn red. You know you can't hold much longer and the torment in your shoulder worsens.

The orc gives you a belligerent stare wanting so badly to kill you. You grit your teeth, unable to grab one of your switchblades because of how terrified you are of the menacing figure. Your arms are occupied  so the hope of your switch blade dims. 

The enormous foot comes out again and so does the tree. The orc pulls his blade back, slashing at you in a violent matter while the foot of the troll collapses to the ground, taking the orc with it. You lay on the ground breathing hard as you watch the tree come towards you.

Hopping to your feet, you jump, trying your best to get out of the radius of the tree. A few branches catch onto the back of your heels almost crushing them. You scream out in pain, your hands covered in blood from your tunic that rubs up against them. 

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