Chapter 11

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"Wow." He replies. Moments ago you had shared all that you could about your life to this Dwarf. This was probably you tenth time coming here to see him. But all -you could tell- along something was itching on him, itching to come out. It felt as though he was trying to tell you something.
The sun had completely set, and you and he had sat down on the flat boulder, laying your bow's close by. Your legs were crossed in a v shape and you wore your favorite green tunic. Still, your face was cover in coal dust from your earlier strike in the mines.

You subconsciously roll your eyes.

He sits next to you, wearing a tunic of his own, except he is more polished. You can't help but feel awkward sitting next to him.

"So Glain finally started talking to you again?"

"Yeah! It was so weird!" You say in response feeling a bashful expression grow.

It felt good to finally tell him everything, to get it all out. Well.. not everything but a lot it.

Although, you still hadn't told him about Rathna or Thorvol. You didn't tell him about how you weren't allowed to hunt. A lot of it felt personal to you. Something that you shouldn't just share with somebody. And you didn't want to get on a touchy topic.
"You never told me your name." You ask finally trying to move the conversation's focus on him. All this time, you were telling him all about yourself. You wanted to learn about him!
"Oh, I guess I probably should." He hesitates for a little while, tentative, His eyes exploring yours.

You wait, crossing your legs into a v shape, once again, and take a deep breath as the autumn air fills up in your nose.

The air is cool, and the few drops of sunlight spill across the sky. The sun is still up, but almost all the way behind the peak of Erebor.

The dwarf is sitting next to you still deep in thought. His golden long hair flowing down his back and at his sides. You look at him, waiting for his name.

"Ummm... I guess I could tell you my name." He says a little bluntly. Trying to pass the time. Realizing he had left a long pause. You could feel a little bit if embarrassment cross his face for a split second.

Does he feel comfortable being around me?
You wonder. He looks at you, your bright smile on your face, and can't help but have one appear on his face before it fades away.
He looks down once again, shifting his weight uncomfortably.

Why was he acting like this?

"It's.." He pauses again, "It's Legolas."

"Legolas?" You say, not letting him finish, he looks as if he wants to say more, but you don't notice. He says his name neutrally and you nod, "Wow, cool name."
Resting your hands in your lap, you sit comfortably next to him, he looks down at your hands, then turns to face the sunset. Keeping his focus away from you.
"So, (Y/N)." He begins, not looking at you. "Where are you from?" He finally asks. You look at him, his face turned away.

You look at his bow, the color brown, though it is carved ever so carefully, by an expert. It sits neatly on the side of the rock next to yours.

"Well, I'm from..." You pause, what could you say? Hesitating makes you a little irritated. What's so wrong with telling him? But a part of you feels wrong about it. 

"Just around here." You say innocently, keeping away from a pause. He looks up at you finally, his face neutral. He does not wear a smile.

"Are the caves nearby here?" He asks, pressing on the question. "Yes." Is Your reply. You want to know if he lives there too, and it itches to come out. You bit your lip.
You want to just burst and tell him all you could more about your miserable life, but a part of you was now doubting the idea. Should you? All you had told him were more of the upsides. You hadn't told him out you felt about it all.

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