Chapter 10

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You walk down the great hall a little worried. Dwarf statues all around you, filled with expert detail. The cobblestone floor smoothly runs under your feet and your head is racing. You pass miners as they walk, carrying pickaxes that shine a silvery gold. The thought of you holding one makes you cringe and you think of Harvol, his disgusting face. A grimace. You walk passed them, head held high allowing your eyes to look upon something less irritating than their pickaxes..

You think of Thorvol, his record he broke during lunch earlier today. You think of Rathna feeling a little guilty. You had not talked to her in so long, but the thing was, was you were still trying to figure yourself out. You needed some time to think and to process. Rathna always came around after you closing yourself up. She understood that you needed your space.

Once you reach the countertop, awaiting Yewlt who is usually present, instead of seeing his bright face, you noticed nobody is around. You stand there, looking at the large wooden doors open ajar overhead to the side of the counter.

You stare into space thinking about all the ways to get back on top with your life. You look at the countertop, it's surface a soft stone. On top is a small manuscript, Yewlt would use.

What is this doing here? You think, picking it up before spinning  it in your hands, recognising it's chiseled design, then set it back down. You look around, to see if anyone would notice you and suddenly say, 'what are you doing.' A reiteration of Odin just the other day, but nobody seems to appear. You walk behind the counter, noticing chips in each slot in the right place. The first name to appear is Thorvin.

Why was Thorvin out?

Thorvin was an architect, not a hunter. He was good with a crossbow, but he hated the thought of leaving the caves, so you heard. He loved his gold, creating statues and projects.

You look at the chip closely, turning it. Sure enough, you were right. Thorvin had gone out.

You look through the other names, at least a company of twelve were out and you notice a slot for Rathna, faded and old. You look past it noticing Thorvol's placed a little bit awkwardly as if he was in some sort of hurry.

You look down the row, reading the names as you go. Erelk, Taliren, and Braun. Next to Braun's was -obviously- Thorvol's. You knew where his chip went like the back of your hand. Next to his, was your name.

The chip sat in it's place, away from the rest who were out. Although, yours was thrown away. Thrown away! You walk over noticing it's features.

Why had somebody thrown it away?

You walk over, grabbing it, turning it in your hands. Who had thrown it away? Your first thought runs to Rathna, her upset distain expression had spoken it all just the other night. Your next thought is Odin. But why would Odin pertain an interest in you?

Still holding the silver key, you place it in your pocket along with your chip. If it really was Rathna, then she obviously really did not want you to out.

Just the other day she was having a fuss, that is when she found out about it. She seemed to find out about a lot of things, mostly because you were really bad at hiding everything.

You climb over the counter top, plopping down onto the ground. You look around again, making sure nobody is around to see your suspicious activity.

Walking over to the tall wooden doors  you open it to a slight crack. Allowing the little light that was left cascade upon the rigid stone floor in front of you.

The sun was setting, and you were determined to get to your sycamore tree before the other Dwarf would.

If you beat him, then you'd be able to know which direction he came from.
As you exit, you leave the door open, just like you found it, before running making as little noise as you could.

You trample over bushes in your path, scaring whatever creature was out and about. You swing from a tree, testing your skills as you flip yourself up and land right on top of the branch, keeping a steady balance.

As you reach the edge of the forest, the light fades and the sun is at the peak of Erebor. You climb the Mount, reaching the sycamore tree. You focus on your breathing, panting. Hoping you had made it right befor-

"You came." A voice calls out from above. You look down at your feet, a little too frustrated to look up. You had tried so hard to beat him, yet he still had gotten here first.

"I did." You say breathing hard. You say it in a dour tone, with a face of grimace. You look up at him, his golden hair shimmering in the light. You hide your out of breath lungs, avoiding any ideas He got about you being weak.

You look up at him again after a long pause. You notice him sitting in a relaxed position.

In his hands rest your bow, perfectly polished.

"My bow!" You say cheerfully, all your anger rapidly disappears. It's beautiful colors shine and you can't help desire to hold it.

He senses that, tossing the bow to you, you catch it, and swing it over your shoulder. Satisfied to no longer be apart from it.

A pause overwhelms you and you feel tentative for a long moment. He sits in your tree staring off, as I'd he is in another world.

"Come up here, you have to see this." He grins, and you look at him, displeased.

Instead of doing what he says, you climb onto the flat Rock laid before the tree and examine your bow. It's features still the same silver that shimmers in the sunset.

You love the feel of it between your finger tips as you move your hands across its fine surface. You look up from your excitement to look the other dwarf in the eyes.

His golden blond hair flows down his back and you stare at him as he looks at you warily. Confused by his body language, you look back to your bow, the string a veer off, not as strong as it had used to be. It was a used bow to be fair.

"I- " You say tentatively. Your only focus had been your bow. What had he asked you?

"Well? Are you done admiring that bow of yours?" He chuckles almost impatiently. You look up at him again, his face in disdain.

A long pause enters between you and him and the blond dwarf's eyes stand out, boldly as if pushing you into something you fear you won't be able to get out of.

"You're so stolid." He remarks, and your head feels like it's spinning. "Whatever." You say as he finishes his playful obnoxious remark.


"I'm coming, I'm coming."
You say a little unwrapped. Soon his eyes quit focusing their only target -you- and they move to focusing on up clear across to the evening sun.

Your eyes, their compatibility, ease into glancing in on the sun, just barely hiding behind Erebor and crossing it's limits.

The dwarf smiles at you, and your eyes lock with his. His eyes are a gorgeous hazel nut brown that stand out on evenings like this one. His face round with perfect curves. His long golden hair flows to his sides in a heap of straight thin locks.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He finally says. You nod your head in agreement as your eyes move back to the sunset.

You're still sitting in the tree, next to him, except you're almost touching. His arms are long, Thin, but strong.

You glance up, wanting to tell him everything. So much was going on in your life. Talking to someone might just be the best idea you had all day.

You wanted to talk to someone about the mines, about Rathna and Glain, about Odin, even about Harvol! Okay maybe not Harvol..

He made you want to explode and tell him everything and now you were finally next to him again, and that precious bow of yours.

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