Chapter 38

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Crouching behind the boulder that had blocked the light before, you lift yourself over it, allowing yourself to get a better glimpse of it.

"Who do you think it is?" You say warily.

"Not sure, but it can't be a forest fire, otherwise it'd be bigger." Legolas replies.

"It could become a forest fire." Gandalf said quietly, leaning over you.

"Well whatever it is, let's find out." You say.

Gandalf steps over the boulder first, and Legolas and you follow him close behind.

Huddled behind a bush, you could hear a small conversation going on. "Scum." A voice called. The voice was hoarse and almost sound dead or waxy. It meant only one thing, the owner of the voice was an orc.

"Orcs." You say, and the orc's vicious eyes from your nightmarous patrol popped into your head. A chill springs across your spine.

Legolas gestures you to another position, behind a large rock that builds up a hill. Everyone follows him.

Looking down upon the camp, there were about a whole pack of orcs at the sum of fifty or so.

A lot of them were gathered around the campfire, while the others were busy carving weapons or chewing on who knows what.

Their eyes were black, and a lot of them had sinister grins upon their faces.

"We have to wait for orders." One of the smarter Orcs yelled. They weren't even trying to be hidden, or even sneaky for that matter.

"But there are hobbits to snack on not too far from here." A smaller Orc said, licking its waxy lips. You blink in disgust.

"Not until Commander Kurtz has beckoned us to follow."

"Put that fire out! Someone could see us!" Yelled the smarter orc.

It was too late for that.

"Why are they here?" You whisper quietly and watch one orc bring back a few logs from the trees beyond the camp.

"Wrong person to ask." Legolas says, In the dark, Legolas's face was barely lit up, but from what you could tell he was bothered.

"They must have a motive to be so close to Bree." Legolas continues at the same volume as you had spoken.

"Indeed." Gandalf says.

You turn your attention back to the orcs, seeing two fight over something. You focus on the smart orc, who is aleader of some kind, and listen to the orc's conversation.

"What about the attack on Rivendell? I wanted to try an elf." Complains a small orc.

The attack on Rivendell? What are they talking about? Do they mean.. when I was there? Did they frame the dwarves?

"Elves are tasty, if you're able to get your hands on one."

"Seems pretty easy to me." The small orc inquires and most of the orcs turn and laugh at him.

"Have you ever fought one?" Said the bigger orc. "Most orcs don't even live to tell the tale of battle against an elf." 

The small orc brags, "No, but I could easily take one down and devour it whole."

Now all the orcs are listening, and with that they all began to laugh.

"I'd love to see that!" The big orc chuckles.

Legolas steps out into the open and you blink at him, what was he doing?

"Then why don't we? I've heard enough of you squabble." Legolas calls out.

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