Chapter 24

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"Let us ride!" Klan shouts as he holds up his battle hammer, racing down the steep hill on his large mountain goat. You trail behind him.

Dimur is by your side, giving you despicable looks every once in a while as your mountain goat prances down the rocky mountain path.

"Follow me!" Thrain shouts in excitement, and he turns left, his huge smile following him. You turn your mountain goat, glad you knew how to guide them now.

It made you remember the time you were younger, when Rathna had taught you had to ride them. It was rare, but yes, sometimes Rathna would let you be outside. That time, she taught you how to ride a mountain goat, after falling off of one several times that is.

"Thrain! Slow down!" Klan laughs as he speeds up to match Thrain's speed.

Now in the back, you continue with your group until you reach the bottom and everyone comes to a stop.

You look around yourself, exhilarated to finally have permission to be outside once again and find yourself looking back at the mountains to finally notice the peaks, and the one on the end with the sycamore tree. Your sycamore tree.

"Let's get a move on if we really want to please Odin with something to report." Klan instructs.

Thrain nods his head before looking at you and you blink and look away, not ready to gain the full impact of his eyes.

Dimur sits on his goat as far away from you as possible in the group and doesn't even look your way, when only moments ago you were the only person he was looking at.

"Follow me." Klan says, and he turns his mountain goat away and into another direction. You and the others follow, in the direction, which is away from your sycamore tree.

You had never been out this far in the forest before and certainly never dreamed to. But now that you were here, you wished you weren't.

The trees looked like they were smoking in some sort. And you could see a lot of stumps lying around. It reminded you of your last patrol and the thought relinquished you of your still throbbing hip.

Looking at everything around you now gave you the thought, "Remember, we change the land, not preserve it." Odin was serious, and this part of the land was for sure not preserved.

With a pained expression on your face, you continue to follow your company as they slowly move on their mountain goats.

"Follow me, (Y/N)." Klan says to you, you pull forward until you are right next to him.

"No." Someone says almost right after. You stop, turning your head to see Dimur. "I'd like to go with (Y/N), if that's alright."

"Okay." Klan says surprised.

"Thrain, you're with me. Everyone else split up into pairs, meet back here when you can no longer see the sun above the peak." Klan says as he moves to the back of the line next to you and Thrain. You nod, looking at the rest of your company. Gloindil and Relgin had already trailed off into another direction.

Why did Dimur suddenly want to be paired with you? He didn't even want to be by you from the start! A frown begins to grow on your face as he speaks.

"Guess it's you and me (Y/N)." Dimur says with a grin. You roll your eyes inside of your head, but return the smile, painfully. "Guess so." You reply.

Dimur was acting strange. Anice friendly strange, and for some reason, you didn't like it. Maybe he was up to something.

Then the words of Glain popped into your head. Glain had told you that Odin was planning something, could this be it? Odin did favor Dimur, was Dimur part of the plan?

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