Chapter 1

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FYI: for those of you who don't know (Y/N) means your name


       Working in the mines was a pain for you. You hated the smell, dangling above a ginormous ravine, having rarely any light to support you, and the slivers you got from your pickaxe. Except, you did it often. It was the only way to earn money, even though you were the daughter of the princess.

Sometimes, when you just couldn't take it anymore, you'd go hunting with Thorvol. But that rarely ever happened, because Thorvol would be busy doing other things and you knew that Rathna hated the idea of you hunting. Especially when you had only gone once, without her knowing, of course.

"You're on break (Y/N)." Your boss, Harvol, yells from above. You tug on the rope that is supporting you for your dear life and up you go. You watch as the other dwarves whack at the stone with their pickaxes as you climb higher and higher.

Once you reach the top, you see Gloindilil, your other boss. "We'll see you in another hour." He says. You frown, mining was the worst job in all of history of jobs. Not because of the dangling above a ravine, or because of the smells or the slivers you got. It was because of how much time you spent doing it. I mean sure those other things were bad too, but doing it all the time? That was worse.

It didn't help that you barely ever got breaks, and when you did they only lasted a few hours or so before you'd have to go back.

Between that time, when you weren't working, you'd have to go to Dwarf Economics class, the class you were currently taking. Last year you had studied about smithing and smelting. The year before that was all about minerals, which was why you were now a miner. They had been preparing you.

Before you were a miner, you spent your time with your dear friend Glain and helped in the library dusting books and organizing shelves.

You had learned tons and were sick of it. Luckily, this year would be your last of dwarf knowledge. It was kind of weird though, why would you have to learn of this if you were only going to end up being a miner for the rest of your life?

You wince at the thought.

Walking down the carved out halls, you see other dwarves that pass you by. You smile at them, then continue your walk.

Once you reach Economics class, you see a wooden sign on the door which read "No class today Professor Tauran is injured and will not be present."

You smile at this before turning away and walk the other direction of the hall. Missing economics was a dream come true! The halls were quite magnificent, except for the colors they were. They had thousands of little carvings everywhere. In Dwarf history it was said that it took ten years to finally finish it. It was pretty, but the color was dull and dour.

The halls were a stony gray, the color of cement except darker.
You walk down them, before turning away, walking by several dwarves, reaching a dead end of the caves, an area where nobody goes.

At the end of it, barely noticeable, there is a secret passage way you know of that is long and narrow. And because you're so skinny,  you walk out, side ways, to feel the fresh cool air.

You breathe it in until your lungs can't take in anymore. You hold it there before closing your eyes, breathing it out slowly. The air was crisp and fresh. It felt clean, unlike the air down in the mines. You love the feeling of being away from the mines, not having to choke or cough every time you were in them.

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