Chapter 23

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"Alright, (Y/N) let's get you out of this one." Yewlt says as you take off the bulky armor. It was not a good fit and you were in the worst mood possible.

You had tried on every size of armor that Yewlt had! And of course, none of them even fit you or were your size. "(Y/N), hold still why I get this off you." He says grumbling to himself behind the desk as he works.

The room that you are in is unkempt, untidy with breastplates lying on the floor. To you, a lot of the armor looked tacky and over used. Where could a girl like you find some decent armor? Then your mind wandered to Legolas, his clean armor, shining in the light.

He had only come once to meet you in armor, and that was a one timer thing. The other times he was wearing a clean green or brown tunic with a white undergarment. It all made you wonder where he got his armor from.

"I think I may have one more in mind that you might be able to fit?" none of them fit, and you knew the exact reasoning for it. You were skinny, slim and slender. Everyone else here was.. well more chubby is an easy way to put it.

Yewlt runs to the back of the room a little annoyed, murmuring to himself as he goes. You pick up his murmur. "If this doesn't work, I'll have to do a custom order, and that's going to definitely get me behind.."

Once Yewlt returns, he is carrying a flimsy suit. The color is a light silver with engravings of slight gold. You take one look and know that it's the armor for you.

"Yewlt! That's amazing!!" You cheer and throw your hands up in the air. He smiles at your expression, before looking at the armor a little confused and in thought. "Let's hope it fits." He remarks, giving you the armor.

You take it apart, looking at each piece as you begin to slip it on. The breastplate slides right on, and you move on to slipping the other armor onto your feet.

"Yewlt! This fits me like a glove!" You give him a quirky grin and he looks at the armor, standing away from you, contemplating if he really does agree with you. "Yes, I guess it does." He finally says, still deep in thought.

You spin around in the armor, almost as if you were fitted into a dress. Eww. Dresses, they were your worst nightmare. Good thing Rathna never made you wear them.

As you cringe at the thought you gave yourself, Yewlt slides over to fit a helmet on top of you head. "OW!" You scream out, as the sharp creases push into your head. "Yewlt!"

"Sorry (Y/N)." Yewlt apologizes, taking the helmet back into his arms. "I thought it would fit." He sighs, "Maybe we should just give up on this armor thing." You too, let out a sigh, he was right. You had spent at least an hour, and your stomach had begun to grumble

"But Yewlt, I really like this armor. It's the only one that really does fit me. Maybe we should just reconsider the helmet. I guess I can wear a mitch matching one for now if I have to before you forge that helmet into the right size?"

Yewlt looks down at the helmet a little discouraged. "Yeah, I guess we could do that. We've spent too long in this stuffy room." He looks at the ground, noticing all the armor dispersed around the room.

"Come on (Y/N), why don't we attend the mess hall." Yewlt sets the helmet down in a frustrated matter and you begin to take off all the armor.

You follow Yewlt out of the room and into a hallway full of pillars with the ceiling at least fifty feet above from the ground.

"At least we found you something." Yewlt rambles as he scratches his head.

Yewlt smiles as you enter the mess hall, to see tables all around. Dwarves are seated all around, cups in hands and on the edges of the scratched wooden tables.

At the end of one of the tables, the far right of the room sits Glain and Thorvol. Yewlt follows you as you walk over to the table thrilled to see your friends.

"(Y/N)!" Glain looks your way in excitement as you wave to them. Yewlt walks over to sit next to Thorvol as you move to sit across from him next to Glain.

"Good to see you (Y/N). How is it doing something other than mining?" Thorvol asks, smiling at you.

How could you answer that? I mean sure it was something that you were happy about, but apart from the boring patrolling and not being able to roam around freely, it wasn't what you were exactly hoping for, in fact, you were pretty annoyed with it all.

"Ehh.. I mean.." You begin kind of staring off into space.

Yewlt looks at you sternly  across from you and you look at him, still thinking.

You turn your gaze to Thorvol and Glain, who seem to be looking at each other before looking at you as you continue.

"It's good," you pause looking up from the scratched table. "I guess."

You look back down, but this time down at your hands, seeing a few cuts. Your skin is rough and a little dirty.

"You guess?" Thorvol questions unhesitatingly and you nod, not looking up.

Why were you acting this way?

You look up from your hands and give everyone a sweet smile.

"Yes, it's good. Uh way better than being in the mines."

Glain eyes you, then smiles as he looks down a his food, on his plate is a mashed vegetable that you guessed was mashed potatoes because of its white color and texture.

Thorvol bites into a chicken leg, keeping his eyes on you, while Yewlt focuses on what he has gotten for lunch.

"In case you didn't know, (Y/N) has only been on one and it wasn't so good." Glain cuts in. "They were ambushed."

"Ambushed?" Thorvol reiterates.

You feel uncomfortable sitting there with Glain bringing up the ambush. Had word spread that fast?

"Alright." Thorvol says, chewing hard. He stands up from his relaxed position, stretching. "I'd best be off," Thorvol yawns while picking up his dirty plate. "I guess that's something?" He says looking to you. You nod.  He nods back at you, and you give him a small wave before he's gone.

"You'd better get to the stables (Y/N), Rathna gave me the times of departure. Klan is in command, follow him and you'll be fine." Yewlt says looking at a scroll. You nod and play with your food in the process.

Here we go again.

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