Chapter 4

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They open wide. Light orange wooden plank and substantial doors surfaced overhead. Metal attaches the frames to each side of the apposing end of the opening, connecting to stone gray cave walls and stone bricks packed together by an expert.

You listen to the creaky doors as they open, divulging the outer view. Sunlight pours in so rapidly, blinding your vision. The smell of crisp autumn air springs about around your nose and you can hear birds chirping in the distance.

Motivation takes you over and you don't wait. You walk straight through the doors to upheld and halt awaiting release. In front of you are about fifty dwarves packed together moving through the tight and narrow, yet tall doors.

The door is about twenty dwarves long, built for strategy. Thorvol walks by your side, hunting ax in hand, ready to strike its prey.

Soon the dwarves pour out of the caves, weapons in hand. You and Thorvol in the back. A cool breeze brushes your skin as you run out into the open air. You can feel wet soil under your feet as if it had rained only a few hours ago.

You carry a bow, in which you had been given by Gluan, the weapons man. Gluan works a long side Yewlt in the hunting business.

Your bow is steady and strong, only the best. You love bows, they're your stronger suit. If you were given two switch blades, you would do just fine. But hunting bigger prey such as deer, a bow would be most effective.

You run in the opposite direction, away from Thorvol, wanting to be free from the grasps of the cold, dark, caves.

"Sunset!" Thorvol yells as he sees you switch directions away from him.

You know exactly what he means. You have to be back by sunset. Rathna had her duties, but by sunset, she'd be home. And most likely hot with anger if you weren't back in time. No, she wouldn't most likely be mad, she would be mad.

You move to the left, away from all the dwarves who are spreading out into the evergreen forest.

The trees are tall, and engulf each dwarf as they run past them. You're walking now, keeping a steady pace as you head toward your favorite sycamore tree.

You look around your surroundings to see berry bushes, poisonous berry bushes, skinny birch trees, and a giant rock as tall as your thighs.

You climb the rock slowly moving to not be heard. Prey are out and your only chance of trapping them, is to not make a sound. You creep forward hearing a rustle in front.

If you don't catch something today, there maybe a chance, a slight chance, where you won't be an asset to hunting.

If you screw this up, you may not go hunting for another month or so. You remember last time you came out, not able to get a single catch. It had gone on your record, hurting your hunting reputation. You see, if you were no use in catching game, then you were not needed while hunting and they would set you up for other things that you could do that will benefit you and them sufficiently.

You duck your head behind the rock moving your hands anxiously to the tip. You take a small peak to see small movement by a branch just out in front of you.


You take your bow sling off your shoulder, slowly loading your bow with a smooth arrow.

You pull back slowly, your legs keeping steady, as you point the bow at the bush to hear more movement.

The game had moved to the bush a few feet away. You quickly change your bow's direction holding your fire. If you could just catch one animal today, it would change everything for you.

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