Chapter 31

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Figuring out that Legolas was Thranduil's son should have been a no brainer for you. They looked very alike, and both had that smooth look to their golden hair.

It had been at least five minutes since Thranduil had departed and the reason? You had no idea.

"How come Thranduil left?" You finally ask, still deep in thought. It had been dead silent ever since Thranduil had left.

"My father has his reasons." Legolas replies, riding next to you. "Have you been counting?"

You blush. "Umm yeah."

Legolas smiles. 

"Hey! In my defense, there hasn't been much going on except for us moving on horses. What am I supposed to do?" You say.

"Sorry, no you have a good point." He smiles at you with his Chestnut gorgeous eyes. "but," He continues,  "Can I ask why you're asking that now?"

"Uhh, I don't know. The only other thing I've been thinking about besides counting is food."

"So you only thought of the question now?" Legolas raises an eyebrow.

You give him a devious smile that lasts a few seconds before his horse stops moving. A branch swings out, crashing into Legolas, hitting him right in the face.

You burst out laughing.

"Would you two please be quiet?" Elrond says finally turning around. He had been silent the entire time you and Legolas were talking, not to mention the time before then. He faces forward once again.

You put a hand over your mouth and try to stop the giggles, except you can't and they escape your lips.

"Shh." Legolas frowns, and it slowly turns into a smile. He turns his attention to Elrond. 

"What is wrong Elrond?" Legolas asks concerned, ignoring your look of concern now. 

"The trees." Elrond says not turning to face the two of you and the calvary sit by your side, with their eyes peeled.

 You squint at the forest around you. It was awfully quiet.

What does Elrond mean? The trees?

Without a word, Legolas grabs an arrow and pulls it back on his bow, and without hesitation he releases it. You watch the swift arrow launch into the air, whizzing past a tree and into the bushes. A loud grunt is heard and through the bushes, you see a figure tumble to the ground.

"Orcs." Legolas finally says, and you blink in shock. You had never seen him shoot and you had forgotten that Legolas had a bow in the first place.

Legolas looks your way as you widened your eyes. You were not expecting such serious eyes. They seemed to peer into your soul. You couldn't endure it any longer and look away. The calvary moves forward gracefully in sync, and create a circular barrier between you, Legolas, and Elrond and the forest containing lurking orcs with loitering steps. 

"Are there more?" Says the elf next to you. "Are we being surrounded?"

"We are just fine Elandril. It is no ambush." Elrond replies, while looking back. He had been leading the way from the start. You take in a deep breath, followed by another. Relief had rushed over you and you look to Legolas, whose eyes seem to already be on you. "Well that's a relief." You say blushing.

Please don't notice, please don't notice!

"You alright (Y/N)?" Legolas says after a moment of observing you. you want to face palm. He had definitely noticed your blushing. 

Lord Of The Rings | The War Between Races | X-Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें