Chapter 34

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The sun began to set in the West and the trees swayed in the wind. Down below the hill, you were standing on, was the Hobbit town called Bree.

"It's so," You pause, looking for the right words to describe the place. "Wow.." You finish after a pause. You couldn't find the words. The place was beautiful, yet tiny.

Legolas doesn't say a word, and seems to be focused on something else.

Traveling for so long had been tiring. You weren't even sure if you were even going to find the wizard everyone had spoken so highly of. What if he left before word got to Elrond?

"Where to first?" You say, holding back how exhilarated you were. Out of all the places you had been, you never expected to see some place like Bree.

"We go find the wizard." Legolas replies.

"Do you know what he looks like?"

A pause breaks in.

"Not," He looks at you with a small pause in between. "Not exactly."

You want to slap your forehead. "Okay then.." you trail off.

"We'll know when we see him." He says quietly. "When we go into the village, act normal. We don't want to cause too much attention."

You nod and see Legolas get off his horse.

"And," he says smiling. "We walk from here."

You blink, before you get off of your horse as well.  Following Legolas into the village, you see a lot of people -whatever they were- walking around.

The people were short, with most having curly, shaggy hair. You notice all of them not wearing shoes and knit your eyebrows with confusion.

"Hello." Someone says behind you. You gulp.

Turning around, you see a small person standing close to your horse. They're looking up at you with a sweet smile and they seem to be a lot younger than the rest of the people living in Bree, so you noticed.

"Hello." You reply with the same smile.

"Eita! Come here." A woman says frantically running over to the little girl. The woman was only a little bit taller than the girl.

"You musn't speak to strangers." She glares at you as she lectures.

Grabbing the small girl's hand, the woman walks away, keeping her angry eyes on you as she goes.

Legolas smirks. "Hobbits aren't the fondest of visitors."


You continue on the small dirt path, passing Hobbit homes that seemed to be built in a hill. "Their homes.." You say and trail off as you look at one in front of you.

"Hobbit holes?" Legolas says. You look his way and nod. "They're built in the hill."

"So they live in the ground?" You reply.

"It's nicer than you think." He smirks.

The wind picks up, blowing your hair viciously into your face and you brush it back, annoyed.

"Where is this wizard? We've been walking around for way too long, I think I'm gonna lose it." You frown.

"You're asking the wrong person. Elrond said the wizard would be here.." Legolas points to the Hobbit hole in front of you and you put a hand to your forehead and let out a sigh of frustration.

"What do you want." An unfamiliar voice says from behind you.

You turn around a little startled only to find a short, older looking Hobbit with white hair stand on the dirt path a few feet away.

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