Chapter 26

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"Gone?" She panicked.

"We've looked everywhere. A horn blew, and the company ran to the scene." He paused to catch her body language. "She's.." He stopped himself, before looking toward the chiseled stone. "Still missing your majesty." He replied warily.

She immediately countered. "Well send out another search party!" Rathna's voice seemed to grow louder and louder as she spoke.

"We've sent all we can out, they all came back with colds and injuries. It's not safe out there." Wendimere answered.

Rathna rolled her eyes in frustration as she sits in her soft red armchair, slouching. Wendimere stands before her, holding a manuscript.

"Well then I'll go myself!" Rathna yells angrily, sitting up right.

"You can't." Odin calmly breaks in, he sits a few feet away at a desk, fiddling.

Rathna sits up once again, impatient with the situation. "(Y/N) is out there, by herself! There are orcs out there! Trolls!" She says flustered.

Odin turns to face her, his face is calm with almost no facial expressions. "W-what was I thinking? I should've never put her up to the task, she wasn't ready." Rathna sits down, slouching again. She gives a worried look, hopelessness came off of her being and she sat there almost teary eyed thinking up the worst.

Rathna puts a hand over her eyes, shaking her head. She then looked to the floor, before quietly whispering, "She could be dead for all we know." Her voice echoed in the room and Wendimere frowned, not knowing what to say.

Odin lets out a small snort barely loud enough for anyone in the room to hear. "You have nothing to fear, you personally trained her. Try not to think of the worst." Odin stands up, "Besides, we have guests." He walks over to a bookshelf in the conference room, grabbing a fragile book with damaged pages. Flipping through, he finds the page he wants, then turns back to the desk where he continues his work.

"Odin's right." Wendimere finally says, "won't they have suspicions of your leaving? Not to mention the tenacious past twelve years."

"I-I just want my daughter back." Rathna says softly. A tear falls down her cheek, slipping onto her lap. She leaves it, her focus somewhere else.

"We'll get her back, your majesty. Another group is willing to search in the morning, but much is needed here for preparations."

"You have nothing to worry about." Odin remarks, turning around in the armchair.

A small bit of anger appeared on Rathna's face. "I have everything to worry about."

A cold silence fills the room and the only noise is the soft echoes from the caves just outside the door.

"The guests are in the throne room now, they're waiting." Wendimere cuts in a little awkwardly.

Rathna smacks a hand to her forehead. "I forgot."

"How could you forget?" Odin replies, unimpressed. He turns back around to face her. "It was the reason we even considered putting (Y/N) out there in the first place."

Wendimere nods in agreement, still holding the manuscript. Rathna rests a hand on her cheek.

"You best be off." Odin remarks, with no emotion.

"Right." Rathna shoots. She stands up flustered and follows Wendimere to the door where he opens it for her and she leaves into the echoing halls.

He watches her go. Then he turns to face Odin who is staring at the door. "It's all in order my king." Wendimere replies after Rathna leaves. Odin looks to Wendimere, his lips curve up into a small smile.

"Good, good. You've been a big help."

"Glad I was of service."

"Call in Glain, I would like to have a word with him."

"Yes my king."

And with that, Wendimere was out the door, leaving Odin alone to finish his work.

On his desk is the small brown pouch he had kept with him at all times, Odin took out the small items hidden inside and begins to fiddle once again.

The worn book lays in front of him turned to page ninety-six. The page has a rare item displayed with many words around it. Odin smiles.

The door to the left of him suddenly opens and Glain steps in.

"You asked for my services?"

"Yes." Odin replies, he closes the book calmly.

"I need you to make an indestructible box."

Glain's eyes widened. "What for?"

"Don't ask questions." Odin instructed almost with a scowl.

"Yes, my king."

"It needs to be small, of course." Odin continues, he sets the items in the pouch, closing it immediately as Glain steps closer.

"Would you like me to make it feasible to open?"

"Yes, but it must be quite hard." Odin says with a pause. "And I want a key that doesn't look like a key."

Glain pulls out a notepad quickly jotting down the description. His facial expression was confused and wary. When he looks up again, he changes to having no emotion shown whatsoever.

"You can count on me your majesty."

"I hope I can." Odin says with temerity and Glain swallows hard.

"You are dismissed." Odin continues after a little pause. Glain bows before leaving the room. In the doorway stands Wendimere.

"Will it hold?"

"It should. With Glain's brains it should keep Elrond and Thranduil out of anything they shouldn't be in."

Wendimere nods before turning to leave.

"Wendimere." Odin says. Wendimere turns to face Odin stopping before he can even reach the knob. "I want you to keep a close eye on them."

"Who, the guests? Or Glain?"


Wendimere nods. "Of course my king."

"Glain has gotten into some things that are not permitted. You know what I am talking about." Odin says flipping the book back to page ninety-six.

"Of course." Wendimere immediately responds.

"Then you know the consequences." Odin asks. Wendimere bows before reaching for the knob of the door.

Odin watches him leave and close the door, and the room goes still.

Odin grabs his pouch once again, flipping to a new part of the book that is cut out. He places the pouch in the spot and it fits perfectly as if he has always kept the pouch there.

Odin grins. "Tsk tsk. It is only a matter of time."

Author's Note:

Sorry for the hiatus you guys! I thought I'd have a lot more time because of being quarantined, but I still have a lot of school work now that it's all online. Sorry guys, I hope to publish again very very soon! Hope you are all doing well <3 -PopHi25

Lord Of The Rings | The War Between Races | X-ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora