Chapter 8

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"I couldn't help but ask.." You say with a gulp, you had been talking to Thorvin for a little while, finally easing into what he was up to. "I saw you in the Royal Hall the other day.." You trail off, trying to reach your final question.

Thorvin takes a long gulp of his drink and raises it high in the air before, with full force, setting it down in front of you. He had finished it.
"Yeah?" He replies uninterested to talk to you anymore. He looks at the table across from you and him, the crowd cheering for Thorvol as he finishes his last few chugs, before they all carry him out of the room cheering.

You look over at the rest of the lunch room, it emptying rapidly, hearing the echoes of the crowd cheering for Thorvol. There was only a few Dwarves left.

Thorvin stands up, stretches his back, before he leaves your table, ignoring your question.

You look at his gauntlet, its wooden features before you stand up, seeing the chambers completely empty with messy plates, cups, and dishes spread across the out-of-date tables. Thorvin leaving in the corner of your eye.

You sigh, you had been so close! Yet he had avoided the question. You walk out of the eating chambers, passing a few unfamiliar Dwarves, before you head down the hall to Economics class.

You had a lesson today. As you reach the doors, you walk in knowing exactly how the room looked. It had been a day or two since you had last been in the room. You plop down in your seat, awaiting the lesson. Yet how could you focus anyways? So much was going on! Did Thorvin avoid the question because he was up to something awful? Was Relgin actually the one who hid that map? Did Glain want to mend your friendship?

Your mind is filling up with questions that you wanted answers to. What was Odin fiddling with the other day? And then your mind went to, that one Dwarf that you had seen in the sycamore tree. Why hadn't you seen him? If he had lived in Erebor, why would he be all the way out here? You had to find out his name. You hoped, with a slight hope, that you'd run into him in the halls.
"(Y/N), are you listening at all?" Professor Tauran announced. You look at him, eyes widened. Was he talking to you? You were so deep in thought, with so much going on. If you could sneak in with Thorvol aga- "Well?" Professor Tauran says annoyed.

You watch him, his arms crossed and clutched tightly together. His face is an angry glare, and his beard is longer than ever. He has a lighter hair color, more than most with a fawn tint to it.

"Yes, I- wasn't.." You pause, registering what you had said, "I mean I was!" He rolls his eyes after that remark and sits in his chair relaxed.

In this so called class, there were very few other students. Everybody just seemed to pick up exactly what they needed to do. They just had a knack for things. You, on the other hand, were the opposite. Every now and then, you'd have a few other classmates, but that was rare. It happened very few times.
"Alright, let's mine into the lesson." He chuckles, and you have no idea if you'll survive if he tells you one more of his pathetic puns.

After Economics class, you head to your chambers, changing out of your mining clothes. You decide, that with all this thinking, you were doing, and desperately wanting to know who that Dwarf was, that you wanted to look your best instead of taking that final mining shift you said you would do to Harvol. Except you had said probably. So you could get away with not going.
Mining was the one thing you hated doing. So many times, you wondered why Rathna, and other Dwarves had told you the job had suited you. Except it didn't. It really didn't, it bothered you so much!

You'd rather be smelting, you'd rather be running the furnaces! Anything but being in those musty mines. Your face turns into a grimace, at the thought and you look to remembering your pretty bow.

You missed it so much, and that one Dwarf.. wait, you had never got his name! You remember yourself telling your name, but he had never spilled a word to you about himself. When I go see him tonight, I'll be sure to ask more about him, you think. He had only asked a few questions about you, except, it bothered you a lot.

Why though? Was it the idea that he had attacked you, lost your bow, and interrogated you? You weren't sure. The real question was, why did he want to see you anyways?

A little flustered, you feel your cheeks burn up a little. No. Did he find you.. attractive? You never cared for guys. They were just your friends, but the thought of one maybe actually liking you, bothered you.

You'd rather be in the mines than thinking that, a part of you felt. It didn't matter anyways because all of you wanted to just get your precious bow back now.
You leave your chambers, ditching your bitten apple lying effortlessly on the table top. You leave your room, your bed a mess, and escape the hold your room has on you.

As you reach for the wooden door in front of you, it pulls open abruptly. In steps Rathna.
"Leaving so soon?" A nervous breakdown rushes over you as you see Rathna eyeing your clothes. She looks at you, a little suspicious. "Um yeah." You say trying to avoid the question.
"Alright, well I was just hoping we'd have some time together. Are you alright? I've been gone a lot more than I've wanted to be." Rathna rambles deep in thought. One thing you loved about Rathna, is that she always spoke her mind.

"You're fine. I've been busy too." Without a pause Rathna continues after you. "You have?" She looks at you, a little trouble some. When she had stepped in, a part of her looked as if.. as if she were on the brink of ripping her scraggly hair out.

"Yes." You say, looking at her stressed face. You could tell that she cared, but a part of her was still focusing hard on something that happened not too long ago.

"Uh.." you pause, trying your best to dismiss the awkward silence, but it fights back. "Yes? Well um.. okay, I'll-" She stops looking down. You could tell it was hard for her -for once- to get her thoughts together.

"Right, well I'll see you later." She says, tentatively. You look into her deep green eyes, wishing you were closer to Rathna. When you were little, you were so close to her, always speaking your mind. Now that you were a teen, you both just sort of.. went about your business.
"Bye." You respond quickly, then turn on your heel, reiterating your thoughts from before Rathna had entered. The sun was soon to set, and you were going to be up in your sycamore tree, bow in hand.

Lord Of The Rings | The War Between Races | X-ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora