Chapter 37

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Athadrim sat back in his chair and you could finally see how sick he really was. Mara had grabbed a wash cloth from the other room and had lightly dunked it into a small clay bowl that was filled with the water. She laid it onto his forehead and he stayed idle, not even moving an inch. The atmosphere around you had gone cold, nobody was talking now, but almost waiting for somebody else to start once again.

Milo finally caught on. "Well, uhh how's the tea?" He said, and looked around at everyone in the room. You could tell that everyone's eyes had shifted to land on him. Milo quickly held up a teacup and started to sip it before stopping. "It is quite delicious, thank you." Gandalf replies. You tuned the small talk out, staring at the floor that was a little dirty.

Letting out a sigh, you look back up, seeing Gandalf start using his pipe again. You want to roll your eyes. Of all times, he HAD to take a smoke?

"I-I'm sorry." You say still feeling bad. You were the one that had brought the awkward silence to begin with. Your mouth had dried and you swallow what was left hard.

"It's alright (Y/N), you didn't know." Athadrim says and takes a sip of the hot tea that steam begins to rise from, breaking the tension.

Speaking your thoughts, you ask a simple question that widens everyone's eyes. "You could still help us."

"(Y/N).." Legolas tries to cut in, but you continue ignoring his presence. You had to get this out. People were going to die, and you wanted to do something about it. If they thought you were just going to sit here, they were wrong.

"If everyone knew the truth, then maybe this is all worth something?"

"What are you talking about?" Legolas cuts in again. You ignore him and continue.

"If everyone knew the truth behind your past, behind Rathna's, maybe they'll understand and stop fighting?" Your plan wasn't all too terrible, at least you thought so, but everyone else in the room gave you confused looks. That is except Athadrim. He furrowed his brows deep in thought, and took a hand to his chin.

"That is preposterous." Milo butts in, worried about his dear friend.

"War will come whether we like it or not." Gandalf adds.

"What do you mean?" You say defensively. You hated getting into these conversations; you hated arguing. Why wouldn't they see where you were coming from?

"Elves and Dwarves are stubborn alike." Gandalf says and makes eye contact with everyone in the room except Milo and Mara, who had left into the other room. "That may be the one thing they have in common."

You knew you weren't going to be able to convince them all, but without the help of Athadrim, in your mind, things weren't going to go as well. Even if Gandalf was right about that.

"Trust me on this. Would it not hurt to try?" You say, speaking your mind. Legolas stayed still, keeping his eyes focused on Athadrim, almost trying to read him.

You could tell that both Gandalf and Legolas were going to protest, until Athadrim stepped in. "I'm sorry (Y/N), but I simply cannot." All eyes shot to him, yours with disappointment.

"Gandalf, please accompany (Y/N) and Legolas."

"Of course."

As the three of you begin to leave, Milo and Mara gesture kindly as you leave. Gandalf and Legolas walk down the rocky path and out to the mainstream road.

"(Y/N), may I speak with you for but a moment?" You hear Athadrim say behind you. You turn to face him, curiously.

I may be fading, but I can still do something before I leave." Athadrim replies. He takes in a deep breath, taking in what he had said. With that, Athadrim calls for Milo and asks for something in Elvish. You didn't quite understand, but when Milo came back, he was carrying a long sword in a sheath.

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