Chapter 2

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Hey thanks for reading my story! This is my first fanfiction, so please comment and tell me what you think! Also, votes are highly appreciated!

Thank you for your time :)


"What are you doing?"

You get so startled, that you almost fall out of the chair. Looking up immediately, you spot King Odin standing at the other end of the table. He stares at you. His expression almost a glare, and you can tell he suppresses it, keeping a straight face as he stands still. His eyes only focus on you, as if you were an object out of place.

"Oh uh.." You begin, not knowing what to say and Odin stays still. If you told him that you were just being curious, then that wouldn't make sense that you were coming down the royal hallway. Nobody just wanders into the royal hallway, ever. Then again, you were royalty.

That didn't matter to him.

"Well?" The king said impatiently, while crossing his arms. His green eyes were focused on yours and you felt as if they were piercing right through you. You look around, feeling your lips tremble.

"I.. I was looking for Rathna." You say. You weren't exactly lying, since you didn't have economics today. It didn't help that you were mindlessly wandering into the room to look a the papers laid across a table exactly into the room that your least favorite person was in. The worst part about it was, the king probably saw you look at the papers. Not probably, he did!

"Shouldn't you be in class? What was it this year.." He pauses, thinking hard.

His eyes slowly move away from looking into yours and he soon looks to the left, at a bookcase. You walk away from the table, trying to avoid an awkward distance. It felt weird to you talking to someone from so far away.

"Economics." You say, as his eyes retrace back to yours, then down to his hands.

You watch him closely as he fiddles with his fingers like he's holding something. "Right, he says and looks back up to you.

You move your eyes to look back to his as well, feeling more awkward than ever, he's never really talk to you, and this felt weird.

"I see. Well why aren't you there now?" He fiddles some more. "Class was cancelled today." You say as he finishes.

"Now why would they cancel class?" He says as his arising gaze falls back onto his fingers and the item that they grasp.

You stood there, told him why and then assumed you could leave, but the king had another plan. "Have a seat and we shall await Rathna's return."

You watch as Odin takes the object in his hands and places it into a small brown pouch the size of an apple.

Odin's gray white beard overlays atop of his garments, and his golden jeweled crown, rests smoothly on top of his gray brown hair. His dark green eyes sit upon you, matching his green tunic.

You notice a book on his lap that he lays down once he's finally sitting back in the red arm chair.

"What book are you reading? You blurt out of the blue. Odin looks down at the book. Its rough old cover flops over its pages within. The cover is a crimson red with an outline of gold. You can't tell if it's actually gold, but it seems to look like it. I mean, this was the royal library.

"Just a book." He says sternly squinting his eyes at you as if you're suspicious.

"Just wondering.." You say, and trail off. You don't want to seem suspicious, you just want to make conversation.

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