Chapter 35

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You and Legolas approach the lights, hearing laughter and chaos as you go.

Once you get around the large bend, you see all the tiny hobbits dancing, drinking, and partying. The crowd was large and loud as they celebrated.

You weren't sure if this really would be a place where you would find a wizard of his calibur, but you had to give him some slack since you had never met him.

Soon the crowd dies down and a small blond haired Hobbit stands up on a wooden stage. His hair was scraggly like everyone else's with long shaggy locks. He wore a nice outfit, good for this occasion, and worry a large smile on his face.

Then someone else came up to the stage and stood right next to the small Hobbit. The man was a lot taller, your size even, and wore a large pointy hat. He had a gray white beard and had some wrinkles dispersed across his face. His robes looked clean, and were tied with a rope around his waist. In his hand, he held a long brown wooden stick with more of a ball shape at the top.

"We would like to thank Gandalf for providing such great fireworks this year!"

The man with pointy hat that appeared to have the same Gandalf let on a small smile before his eyes laid on you. You gulp, standing very still and his eyes quickly move around the crowd.

Was he looking at me? You think.

"Ah, but the fireworks aren't over just yet!" Gandalf says, and take his wand with him as he walks off the stage and back behind it.

Then all of a sudden, smoke began to rise behind the stage, and a spark rose up across the dark night where it exploded into a falling leaf that lit up your surrounding areas in a green tint.

The firework fell as if it really were a leaf and dissappeared into thin as it grew closer to the ground. You blink and continue to watch the stage as more explode into the air.

The crowd cheers wildly out of control and you and Legolas just stand in the midst watching the fireworks boom across the sky.

"Wow!" You finally say and the cheering picks up the volume as the final firework goes off. You see it form into a large dragon the flies across the sky right above your head. You can't believe what you were seeing. You had never seen something so amazing.

Gandalf comes back into view and the party continues. You saw two hobbits hop up onto the stage and begin playing a wooden instrument (violin) and watch as the crowd begins to dance and sing.

"Now what are two elves doing in Bree?" Someone says behind you and you recognize the voice to belong to Gandalf, the man in a pointy hat and white gray beard.

"We have come to find Gandalf the Gray." Legolas says and you turn around to face him.

"Ah, well that would be me." Gandalf says and you finally put the pieces together.

So he is the wizard! I can't believe we found him!

"Come with me." Gandalf says and you Legolas follow the wizard into one of the tents 5 meters away from the crowd.

"Legolas, what brings you to Bree?"

How does he know him?  You think,  staring at him curiously. "You two know each other?" You blurt.

"Why, yes. He is the son of Thranduil."

You felt stupid. Wow.. I need to get out more.

"Gandalf.. there is a war coming. We need your help." Legolas says, ignoring how speechless and shocked you were. 

"And help you shall get. But might I ask who you are going to war with?"

Gandalf talks casually, right up until Legolas speaks the word "Dwarves" his eyed widen and you frown. "The Dwarves from Ered Mithrin." Legolas finishes, and you look back to Gandalf.

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