Chapter 22

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"It's too dangerous." Rathna scowls. You cross your arms in frustration. Why was Rathna so stubborn? Then again, you were too.

"Why? We held just fine!" You grumble sitting on the bed you had woken up in earlier. "You didn't, you were almost killed! If I wouldn't have come, you would've been dead! So no! You didn't hold just fine."

She lets out an over exaggerated sigh, crossing her arms. "I don't want to take my chances (Y/N). I think It'd be best if you go back to the mines." You let out the loudest sigh, exaggerating  a lot further than Rathna had. Rathna rolls her eyes at you.

"Seriously?" You pause, knitting your eyebrows into a frown. "Like that's ever going to happen again." You chuck the damp cloth that was on your forehead to the side and it flies passed Rathna, barely missing her. She doesn't even flinch, and instead, she gives you an uninterested, tired, and annoyed look all in one facial expression.

You turn yourself away on your uninjured hip, your back facing her.

"Fine." Rathna says after a long moment. You turn back over, surprised by her sudden remark. "You mean," you pause as a smile grows. "You'll let me go?"

"Yes." Rathna replies with a poker face. You can tell that she is suppressing something.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you!" You sit up raising a fist. "Don't push it." Rathna scowls, and you give her a toothy grin.

"But," Rathna begins, raising a finger, "On one condition." You slouch and Rathna grins. "You have to wear armor."

"Armor? I've never worn any besides a helmet." You say deep in thought of how you would look with armor on.

"Yes, but I also want you to rest and not leave this room until a full recovery." You put one of your hands over you eyes disappointed with the arrangements Rathna has considered.

"Why?! I feel fine!" You begin to argue, and before you can continue any further, a knock at the door interrupts you.

"Oh! That must be the doctor." Rathna swiftly walks over to the door within seconds before pulling it open. In steps Derili.

"Hello your majesty, I have come to see (Y/N) and her conditions." He says, holding a large pouch in one hand while he walks over to your bedside and sets it down. You immediately feel uncomfortable.

"Alright (Y/N), tell me your symptoms." You can see Rathna smirk from behind him and you glare.

"Umm well." You reply, "I have a mild headache, my hip is feeling a lot better than when I woke up-"

Rathna rolls her eyes before breaking in. "Which was only two hours ago."

You blink at her annoyed. "Anything else?" Derili questions ignoring Rathna's comment while jotting down a few notes.

"And my arm kind of hurts."

He examines your arm as you extend it out. "Here?" He presses lightly on your wrist, You nod holding back a yelp from the sudden pain.

"Hmm." He begins. "Let's check that gash on your hip." He walks over to the other side of the bed and you stay still a little scared to look at it yourself.

You nod feeling a lot less comfortable. He lifts your shirt gently, barely revealing any skin. You look down, noticing the bandage wrapped. He slowly peels it back.

"Doesn't look all too bad, better than I expected." Derili exclaims. You wink at Rathna who doesn't look all too happy.

Looking down yourself, you examine the wound seeing pink skin as an under layer, of your damaged skin. The bandage looks horrid, covered in dried blood and skin.

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