Chapter 16

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"Alright, that's enough for today. I can see you've gotten better (Y/N)." Rathna says, pointing her axe down to the smooth stone underneath your feet.

Your concentration was off the charts at the moment. You felt super anxious. Was Rathna going to tell you now about her conversation with Odin?

You had gotten every move down from training today and it all felt as though it all had become natural to you. But the thing that had you worried was whether or not Rathna would tell you.

Rathna walks over to the left wall and sets her axe on the rack in front of her. She turns around in a cursory step and you follow her and set your own axe down.

"Rathna?" You say bluntly, a little worried in what you're going to say next. Blurting things was one of your best qualities.

She turns in your direction, and watches you closely in a meticulous way. "Yes?" She responds.

"Umm.." You begin. What could you say? You wanted to know so badly what they were talking about.


"Alright." Rathna replies, and exits the room. Her scraggly hair following her close behind.

You sigh, a little disappointed in your actions and decide to leave the isolated room. You walk down the hallway, passing the library briefly to hear someone cough.

Is someone in there?

You stop dead in your tracks to walk over to the doors. As you peer in, thoughts of anxiety chorale your mind and you take a deep breath as you take a look in.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice calls. You step into the library and walk up to the long table that stands in the center of the room.

"Oh it is you." Odin says, smiling. You return the smile, but a smaller one. "Um hi." You say.

Why was he smiling?

"I've been meaning to speak with you. I was going to send Dimur to get you." He gives you a more friendly smile as he sits in a chair close to the small fire. Similar to the spot you sat in when you first had an encounter here just a few days ago.

"You have?" You blink. Why did Odin want to talk to you? Especially now? Then the answer came to you.

  His conversation with Rathna. But wasn't Rathna going to tell me?

"Yes." Odin says, then looks at the seat next to him. "Come sit." His gray green eyes glow as you walked over to sit by him.

"There." He says as you finally take a seat. "(Y/N), there's some things that--" he gives into a long pause, and you can tell his though process is going haywire.

He continues. "You've been quite confused with the newfound training Rathna has been giving you, correct?"

"Yes?" You reply immediately, a little anxious by how close you're sitting.

"Good good. Well do you know why we've given you that training?" Odin asks, his hands resting firmly in his lap clearly holding something.

You look down at them, almost squinting. Odin clears his throat to hint for your answer. You look up at him anxiously as he lifts his eyebrow.

"No." You say, swallowing the lump at the back of your throat. "How could I know?" You say being thoroughly honest. Why was all of a sudden Odin telling you all this? And why was he being so kind?

"Okay well, Rathna and I have been thinking." He begins, and swallows. You look up towards the door to find Rathna.

"Ah, Rathna. Perfect timing my dear." Odin says sweetly. Rathna smiles as she walks towards you.

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