Chapter 29

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Rage consumed the Velarium and both armies surrounding it were ready to take action. You stood there almost humiliated as Odin countered against the two other royals, or.. whoever they were. You weren't quite sure who they were, but it seemed like royals suited them and you already decided that that was simply what you would call them for now. One of them seemed to be genuinely concerned, while the other was coarse and just down right angry.

"How could you keep this from our people?" One said, reasonably.

The blond just kept on glaring. He didn't have anymore sympathy, despite there not being any in the first place, in his tone and the conversation was only heated vehement talk now. What had you done? In just a few seconds everything flipped. Just because of the pouch you dropped. Maybe whatever that had been inside was more valuable than you anticipated. 

"I did what I had to." Odin remarks keeping calm, even though you could tell he was pretty angry with you. 

"Give us the heirlooms." One raged. His eyes were almost cruel and as you looked at him, they seemed to be slowly staring straight at you.  You quickly look away, swallowing hard.

Only moments ago, Odin had ran over and picked up his fallen pouch, along with the items inside that had spilled out. Everyone seemed to be calling them heirlooms of some kind. You weren't for certain, but it didn't seem like the three ever got along in the first place and them all wanting those gems wasn't helping. 

Well they are pretty. 

"We know that you have them." He pauses, "But my concern is, how could you keep this poor elfling away from us?" The serene one says calmly.

"(Y/N), come along." Rathna finally says quietly, walking towards you. The two watch Rathna closely, her actions almost upsetting them even more. 

"So you're just going to take off with her?" The blond one replied with a face greater than anger. 

"What is going on?" You say to her and Rathna pulls your arm, forcing you to follow. What was happening? This was all getting weirder and weirder by the minute. At this point, you weren't sure who you could trust. This blond, tall man seemed to have your interests in mind. "Let go of me." You force your arm out of Rathna's strong grip. And she winces, a look of concern written all over her face. 

"Why is she dressed like a dirty dwarf then? You have done nothing to care-" The blond man continues, and the conversation slowly becomes conversation with the three men in the Velarium. Rathna turns to face you. 

"What is going on? I don't get why everyone's so upset!" You say confused, but also bothered that Rathna was trying to keep you away from something once again. It was getting really annoying now. First the world outside the caves, then whatever was happening in the library, and now this?! All secrets that you couldn't be apart of. 

"(Y/N)! I can't believe you're alright! Where have you been?" Rathna says grabbing onto your shoulders. You wince in pain as she grabs onto your wounded shoulder. Frowning, Rathna looks down at your lesion. "You're," She pauses before looking back at you with concern. "Wounded." Her voice is quiet and soothing.

You only decide to nod in return. You didn't feel like talking to Rathna or even seeing her right now. You were upset. 

The conversation between Odin and the other royals becoming more and more heated by the minute. After a long pause of processing and examining the wound, Rathna knits her eyebrows together. "Follow me." Rathna says, eyeing the blond royal. You follow  Rathna to the back of the Velarium and watch Odin as you go, the conversation full of tension. 

Behind some vines and flowers surrounding the central place of peace, taking its place between the railing and roofing of the Velarium. The ceiling of the Velarium was pure stainless glass and the beautiful sun shined through. Rathna parted the vines, taking a newly found path into a more open scenic area. The area was surrounded by trees and you could tell it was not connected to the ground. Curious, you walk over to the railing and look down. A large ravine spread across area down below, encompassing the path you were standing on. 

Lord Of The Rings | The War Between Races | X-ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang