Chapter 17

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"I know what I saw Glain!" You say frustrated.

Glain sits in his chair a little more discouraged than usual. You sit across from him, his workshop so familiar to you.

"Why would they have it?"

"I-I don't know." You say. It was the truth, and to be frank, you wanted to know too.

With a puzzled expression, Glain pulls out a piece of paper. "Are you sure that it was the same map?"

"Pretty positive. It had the same writing." You pause, still thinking. "Why would Rathna just say something is nothing? Unless it was something?"

Glain lets out a heavy sigh. "On the map, I drew a small circle on our mountain."

He draws a mountain and a small circle on top of one of the peaks. You recognize the peak almost immediately. It was the peak of your sycamore tree.

"Here." Glain points to the spot, and you nod, remembering back to the map in the library.

"I saw a circle similar to that on the map." You say and Glain still keeps a hold of his puzzled expression.

"So then, they do have my map.." Glain says as he trails off. He stands up and walks over to his bookshelf. Next to it is the secret compartment. He opens it, and inside still holds the case he had for the map.

Taking it out, he places it in front of you and you look up at him. His blue eyes seem to sparkle.

"This was the case, open it and you'll find the map to be gone."

Carefully opening the box, you unhook the latch to the tiny wooden box. "When was the last time you checked it?"

"Several days ago."

Holding the box lid, you lift it slowly. Inside rests a rolled up paper. You take it out, and can't help but notice Glain's jaw drop.

"WHAT?!" He yells, blinking his eyelids ever so quickly and his eyes are open widely.

You unravel the rolled paper and can't help but smirk. How in the world was this map here, yet another one, that looked almost the same, be in the Royal Library?


"How did this happen?" You say ignoring Glain's remark. He snatches the map from you hands looking at every bit of detail as his eyes could take in.

"It-it's impossible." He pauses, examining the map more thoroughly. "I don't understand.." he trails off. "How could this be?"

"I'm not sure, but it sure doesn't look like it's impossible considering its here." You say in the tone of "as a matter of fact".

Glain rolls the map up again and places it into the box. "Are you sure what you saw was actually what you saw?"


"But it was gone!" Glain says, still not believing.

Finally taking it all in, he sits back down in his chair, slouching before taking in a late breath.

"Alright (Y/N). I'll go see for myself when I go to visit Odin for some armory." Glain says as he tries his best to clean up his workshop.

Just to make sure.

Of course. You think a little irritated, but keep it to yourself.

You nod in agreement and quickly stand up.

"I guess I'll see you later." You say in a blunt tone. Clearly you were not wanted here anymore.

"Uh.. yeah sure." Glain says, his focus entirely on something else.

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