Chapter 3

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You race down the gritty hallways in echoing footsteps, seeing dwarves turn and look at you a little in disgust.

You push on, out of breath before you reach your destination. You halt at a stop, before you put your hands on your knees as your lungs try to take in all the oxygen they can get.

Your legs feel wobbly and stiff and you know it's been a while since you ran. After the burning stops, you feel them loose and ready to go. You felt good after a run so far.

Running in the halls was forbidden, but you couldn't help it! Being a dwarf was hard. Every time you ran, everybody gave you dishonorable glances, and the fact that you never saw anyone else run, just seemed to make you feel worse about being so different and weird. Like they'd never run because of you. I mean, you were a dwarf!

So couldn't all of them run? It all seemed to put a little bit a disappointment in your eyes. But it wasn't like you were going to let that get the best of you, not today at least or any time soon.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice cried surprised, it caught you off guard as you close up your last bit of thoughts and begin to come back to reality.

"Hey Thorvol." You smile brightly at him, hoping to get on his good side. You've known Thorvol your whole life. Thorvol is a guy who will treat you nice as long as you treat him nice. If you're friendly and kind he'll most certainly help you get out of things. You just have to get on his good side, and that was just what you were going to do.

"(Y/N), what are you doing over here??" He says in a hushed voice tuning out the blubber of conversations around you.

You and Thorvol stand in the middle of a crowd of dwarves. Each dwarf to come to this spot will enjoy the rest of their day, and the time they spend on their free time, outside. The glorious outdoors!

The group is huddled all together around a shop sort of stand. The table is where you exchange your ID so they know that you're going out. They have stations like these down by the mines where you work most of the time.

"I want to go hunting." You say boldly. That was the only downside, if you were to go outside, you'd have to go hunt. Hunting wasn't all bad, in fact, it was your favorite job around! You loved being outside, and even if it meant working, it didn't bother you as much as it did in the filthy musty mines did.

You liked going out to catch animals, except, there was one downfall to that as well, Rathna hated the idea of you going outside. She'd forbid it all the time. You hated the fact that you were so old now, but that she'd treat you more like a baby.

"Oh (Y/N)," Thorvol begins, "Don't you have mine shift?" You give a sadden glance at Thorvol and he looks away. "They'll need you." Thorvol continues to press, to get you to leave, but you keep your feet firm to the ground as the line, or a mess of a bulky line, begins to shorten.

The crowded hall seems to die down and soon there are only about twenty dwarves left.

"Thorvol, please! You know how much I hate going down in that ravine!" You plead with him and he stays put, soon there are only fifteen dwarves left.

You stand on the hard cold stone floor being as stubborn as ever. The line seems to be moving so quickly now.

All you wanted to do was get some fresh air! You knew someone else could take your place as a miner, so you weren't the slightest worried.

You just missed the sunshine. The trees, the Brook near the back away from the entrance. But most of all, your favorite spot to be. You loved your cliff side sycamore tree. It was a big tree with strong long branches. Your heart longed to be there.

"Fine. Just this once." To your surprise, Thorvol agrees.

Your saddened expression changes to a funky grin and soon you and Thorvol are the only two left.

Thorvol walks up to the desk stationed to the right of you and you stand behind him.

You look down at Thorvol remembering how tall you were. Compared to him, Thorvol was at least one or two feet shorter. There wasn't much of a difference with the other dwarves, and you couldn't help but feel out of place among them.

"Have a good day Thorvol. Good luck out there buck!" Yewlt smiled, tossing him his chip.

The chip is a small piece of wood inscribed with a number. There is a identical number on Thorvol's ID. Thorvol places his ID smoothly into his pouch swung around his left shoulder and soon it's your turn.

"ID please." Yewlt says a little bored. You can tell that he is tired, and you notice his lack of energy. Yewlt is a bigger dwarf, red hair, and wears the same helmet daily in which is said that he never takes it off.

He has a long red braided beard and deep green eyes. You smile at Yewlt, who is already smiling at you, not looking so bored. Every time you see him, he's smiling. But very few times Yewlt will have a neutral expression.

Once you receive your chip, you make a deal with Yewlt, -which Thorvol helps you with- who already knows you shouldn't be going outside.

"Well, you know Rathna." He says sternly, with a little giggle. "Deal?" You press not allowing him to change the subject. He pauses, looking at Thorvol and you see him nod.

Yewlt lets out a long, heavy sigh before he finally agrees. "Deal."

DISCLAIMER:I receive NO credit for the Middle Earth world

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I receive NO credit for the Middle Earth world. all credit goes to Tolkien.
It is only for entertainment purposes and I receive NO money when doing this.
Only credit to me is most of the characters and the story plot.

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