Chapter 5

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You lay on the yellow grass frantically trying to hop to your feet. Your attacker lunges forward and knocks you down again.

You roll on the icky grass away from the stone boulder and gracefully stand up running to your sycamore tree as you see your dagger laying flat on the boulder.

Their surprise attack has given them an advantage and they beat you to the tree. You eye your bow, in which you had left dangling from a branch.

You look to your attacker now really getting a full glimpse of them. It wasn't an orc, but it wasn't an animal either. The person standing in front of you had golden blond hair.It wasn't a boy, not even a man, but a young man.

His eyes were a chestnut brown, and had a gentle sweet touch. Out of all the things you could think of! You use that anger into your actions as you hop from tree branch to tree branch.

Without looking back, you keep your eyes on your silver bow. You had to reach it. It was your only protection! But before you can think anymore, you hear movement, as if someone were climbing. You can feel the tree shake as your attacker climbs up after you. 

"Stop!" He yells behind you as you reach for your bow. The tree bark is hard and rough and the sun blinds your glistening eyes.

A hand comes from behind yours and beats you to the bow, knocking it off. Down it falls, faster than you'd expected. You let out a cry of anger and deliberately grab the arm in front of you as it falls back to its owner.

"My bow!" You scream out. You remember a while back when Thorvol had helped you create the bow. It had taken months, and you had to do a lot of work. Thorvol although, was the one that showed you every little detail into making the perfect bow.

You pull the arm forward hoping to knock your opposers balance. He subsides and grabs onto a steady branch hanging on.

You look at him, into his deep eyes, a glare upon your face. "Why did you do that!?"

You feel as though you are about to tear up, the feeling of hatred towards this attacker burns within your bosom and you can't seem to hold your anger back.

"Look I'm sorry, but you were going to try and hold that against me." He says trying to keep his hand with a firm grip on the tree.

You put your foot on it, and glare at him. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to make that bow?" He twists his body around trying to swivel your grasp on his hand. You put pressure in your foot, putting more and more weight on his hand.

He howls in pain, and looks as if he's about to say something, but he knows there is no time. He swings up, grabbing hold of the same branch his other hand is on, and launches himself up until he is sitting right next to you.

You lose balance, and fall onto another branch, your arms and legs are the only things holding you up and you are in a position where you could fall any second.

"I just wanted to talk to you!" He says, his voice louder than before. "From an elf to another elf, but I stand corrected."

He leans back on a branch knowing I won't be able to get out of the branches I am stuck in. How did he do that? You think, what is he talking about? 

"I'm sorry." You say, trying to wriggle up into a sitting position. You look away, at the sunset. The sunset..

Oh no! You realize the sun setting and know that it's time to go. Except, how can you go? Stuck in a tree, with a stranger that you had never met, that wants to talk? You weren't sure what Rathna would think of this. But you knew for sure that Thorvol would just laugh at you.
"Who are you?" He asks, looking curiously. You notice his ears, how they curve like yours. You notice how tall he is, taller than you perhaps. Could this be that you weren't different after all?

His features were more like yours, so did that mean you weren't the only dwarf looking like this? Then it made you wonder, why did the dwarves always look disapproving sometimes?

Where they just didn't want to accept you? Maybe it was just you, the way you walked, the way you talk? If there were more dwarves like you, like this, then would they be mocking at all? This made your brain hurt as you kept deep in thought.
"Um. Hello?" Had he asked you something? "What." You say, looking into his gorgeous auburn eyes.

"I asked you something." He says a little annoyed. He pulls out a small dagger, almost the size of yours, and begins to carve a small piece of wood.

What did he ask? What was he talking about? You feel a little nervous, looking at him.

His long blond hair is braided and swept back so elegantly. You feel like a blob compared to him. He looks clean and perfect and you look, well, the opposite.

Your hair is a mess, scraggly, like a dwarf's should be. Your clothes are dusty and covered in coal dust. Your face has a few small black smears in which you had missed after cleaning yourself up.

What did he ask? Why did I have to zone out!  You thought, as you look at him. He seems bored, uninterested and keeps his eyes on his carving.

"Doesn't matter," He finally says breaking the silence. "What's your name?"

"(Y/N)." You say a little quiet. You look towards the sun again to notice it hiding almost completely behind the mountain a ways away and try to wriggle free.

"What kind of name is that?!" He blurts disgusted.

"Hey! My mother gave it to me." You say offended, crossing your arms as you stop the struggle before starting again.

"Well then whose your mother? Where are you from?" He replies in ignorance and continues to carve away.

"Can you stop interrogating me?" You say with confidence, and forget about his perfectness for just a second as you try to break free from the hold the tree has on you.

"Whoa." He laughs, ignoring your struggle. "Will you at least tell me something about you? I don't recognize you or at least tell me why you're out here."

He is now looking up at you as you finally pull yourself into a sitting position. "Why should I tell you? I don't even know you. Besides, I have to go." You say a little annoyed. He hesitates for a long moment, deep in thought. "Fine." He finally says.

You slip down, the tree, without out a peep from your mouth, and land on your feet a little ungraceful and he watches.

"If you won't tell me, then please, meet me here tomorrow so you can at least get to know this 'stranger' I am to you." He says in a genuinely tone while he hops down the tree to stand a few feet away from you.

"I don't know." You say unsure. If you were to come tomorrow, how could you get here? They don't just let Dwarves leave as they please, unless it's war they're after. Then again, you could always sneak out?

No, you'd have Economics class and the professor would for certain tell Rathna. And mining would completely suck every last bit of time you had.

"Promise me you will." He says it so friendly, so kindly. Yet moments ago you were thinking of him as the complete opposite, especially since he attacked you.

Maybe you should just tell him, but the sun was nearly gone. Rathna would know you were missing any second now.

"I'll try, but no promises." You say quickly in a hurry to leave. You turn around and race to slide down the mountain side but an arm catches you.

"Please, I want to see you again." He says with a sweet smile. You stare into his eyes, his face only inches away from yours. You can't help but feel yourself blush, and hope he doesn't notice or pay any attention.

"I'll come." You say, your mind still, mostly, focused on the sunset. "Oh and, your bow, I'll have it here waiting for you."He smiles at you and you can't help but smile back.

      He lets your arm go, his falling effortlessly to his side. He stays still, watching you as you speed down the mountain, with your rabbit and dagger in hand, worried to see the angry Rathna in action.

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