Chapter 18

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"Works for me." Klan says, while sharpening his axe. He sits in the chair across from you just the opposite of you, Sitting comfortably and you can't help but watch him while he sharpens.

Everyone was gathered around the large table sitting in the center of the library. Sitting next to you was Rathna on your right and Gloindil on your left.

Odin sat on the very end of the table at the head. Next to him on his right side, was Dimur and his other, Thrain.

"Good, good." Odin counsels.

In front of him on the wood table lays a handful of papers. Behind him is a large wall ending the book shelves and beginning a large board. Behind him, someone, you had never seen, was setting up a map on the wall.

"Now, here is the plan." Odin says, finally getting to the point of the discussion. "The point of this mission is to patrol the area. I want you all to report back to me on markings, and the forest. If you have any inputs Klan, please report."

"Gladly." Klan says informally, "We could especially use a lot more help on patrols. We don't want scum in our territory." Klan sits up comfortably and doesn't seem to feel nervous at all. Like he had come to several of these before. He sets his axe down.

"Indeed." Odin replies, he pulls all his papers together and puts them in a neat pile, handing it to the dwarf you had never seen before. She bows, before scurrying off with the pile.

"Don't forget though the importance of this mission." Odin continues.


"Remember," Odin gives a glance your way. "We change the land, not preserve it."

You gulp in your seat, trying to put on a straight face. Why did he have to be looking directly at you? You sit uncomfortably next to Rathna and Gloindil. 

Change it? Not preserve it?

You look around the table, eyeing everyone as they all listen in, nodding.

"These are the areas you'll be focusing on." Rathna says, standing away from the table now. She points to the wall with the hanging map the person had hung behind Odin. The map is large, but quaint. Rathna points to certain locations, your sycamore tree not being one of them.

You sigh and consciously slump down in your chair. 

"Is that clear?" Rathna says as you're deep in thought. Why couldn't you just patrol wherever you wanted? Why did it have to be certain areas? 

Why couldn't you just be sitting in your sycamore tree right now instead of being in this discomforting area where you actually have to speak? 

Why couldn't you just be by yourself, alone sitting in your room on your bed right now with light pouring in on your face instead of this darkening room that just seemed to have faint light from the few torches that hung around the room. Not to mention, a large chandelier hanging with dim candles lit? This was the opposite of comfort to you.

"(Y/N)!?" Rathna almost shouts, you blink. What was she saying? 

"Huh?" You manage to get out as you look around the table.

Klan looks disinterested and does not look at you. He sits in the chair looking down at something. His legs are crossed and soon he's looking up at Odin.

Dimur seems to look annoyed, staring straight at you along side with Odin who has a similar pained expression. They both stare at you, sending uncomfortable chills down your spine. 

Why did you always seem to get into these situations? 

You stare at Rathna, trying to figure out why she was so annoyed with you. What did she say? All you remembered was her saying "Is that clear?" 

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