Chapter 6

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"I just don't understand!" She yells and it echoes in your room cavern.

Rathna stands in the entrance of your room, arms crossed with a glare smeared across her displeasing face.

You're sitting on your bed looking down at the cobblestone floor as Rathna unleashes on you. She shuts your door, loudly. Impatiently  giving an outrageous effort and you can tell she has had it.

Rathna had interrogated you, and once you had arrived home, she was there waiting for you. She knew everything, how you skipped your shift, how you had caught a rabbit.

But the things that she didn't know was that Thorvol was the one that let you go. You were glad she hadn't found out about that. If she did, Thorvol would probably never allow you to go out again.

Then again, you disobeyed your mother! Why were you always wanting to find a way to get outside? No matter what you did, your mind would wander to your sycamore tree. The scenic view, and then, that.. dwarf.

Who was he? You were grateful that at least Rathna hadn't known who you were with. She'd forbid you to go outside ever again.

You lay your head on your soft pillow looking at the only light left in your room, the window, where a few strands trickle in. You can hear Rathna outside your room complaining, but you can't tell to whom.

You forget about the conversation outside your room and focus on your breathing, where you finally find sleep.

Morning came right on time. Except you weren't, you were late. You struggle to put on your boots and quickly put on your robes.

You lay your sleeping robes aside on top of your poorly made bed, when you hear Rathna in the kitchen panicking, and you hear dishes clank. She hasn't said a word to you, but you don't expect her to. You hear the front door open and echoes seep in.

Walking into the kitchen, you see the door close, its noises fading. You grab an apple, take a few bites and quickly throw it away before you're engulfed in the loud noises as well.

Mornings were busy, always busy. You hated it in some ways. Other times, it was nice to get up and see some friendly faces.
"(Y/N)!" You hear someone shout from the chaotic mess of Dwarves walking and talking. It felt like a busy day at a mall, or in school hallways, except less intense.

"(Y/N)!" They shout again and you look around bumping into people as you shift around yourself making a full 360 turn.


In front of you stood Glain a few feet away. Glain is one of the very few dwarves that actually like to talk to you. When you were younger, he'd sometimes work with you down in the mines.

Now that you and him were older, you rarely ever saw him. Glain had a special set of skills. Something that he had a knack for, and that something was smelting. So he was never really need for th hard labor.

Glain was very good at deciphering between which ore was what. He even made up better ways in refining gold. Glain was one of the smartest people that you knew, and he was trying to get your attention.
"(Y/N)!" He shouts once more. You run to him through the crowded halls as he stands still, watching you. You stand in front of him a few inches away as he tries to tell you something,

"Hey Glain!" You shout, before looking around for the direction to the mines.

"(Y/N), there's a problem. I need to talk to you!" He yells over the crowd. You nod your head and follow Glain down the hall towards the mines. As you reach the entrance, Glain passes the mines taking a left into an area you had never been.

"Follow me."

"But.." You begin to say, but Glain shakes his head as he climbs a few chipped steps and you can tell that they're old.
As you reach the top, there is a long narrow hallway with doors on each side across from each other. The hall goes on for a little while until you see a sign next to a door.

You peer at the sign trying to decipher what it says, but before you can, Glain pushes you into the room.

"Glain?" You say a little confused. Glain hadn't spoken to you in years, and now he was pushing you into a room that you had never been in.
He rushes you in, and sits down at a desk that's near the  back center of the room. Torches light up the walls, and there are a few shelves stacked with books. The room looks more like an office more than anything else.

Across from him is a wooden chair, not as quaint as the one Glain is sitting in, but still suitable.
"Glain what's going on?" He peers down at a book. His desk is disorganized, with papers laying on top of the books and with several books opened. Utensils were also Incorporated in the mess. A candle rests in the heap, a little dim, as if it had been used quite often.

Glain focuses on one of the books before he rummages through the mess of papers, grabbing a pencil. He jots down a few things then he closes the book before looking straight up at you. What had gotten into him?
"(Y/N), there's something you need to know." He says in some distress, but hides it well. You look at him, his papers everywhere.

He looks at the door behind you, and quickly walks over to it. He opens the door, peeking his head to see if anyone is around.

"You're not making any sense. Glain, I need to get to work! I'm already late and you know what Thorcin will do!" You say a little panicked. You did want to know what was going on with Glain, but work was important and you needed income! Rathna would be more than mad with you, especially since you had gotten on her nerves last night.

In a few hours, it would be lunchtime, your only break in between before that you'd have to work during since you missed your shift! Not to mention, that stranger you met wanted to meet you again, today!

But with the status you were keeping with work, they'd probably make you work till late tonight as punishment for not showing up.
"Please (Y/N), I'll explain everything." Should you stay? Thoughts of Harvol and Thorcin scared you.
"Alright." You say. You were curious, it couldn't be helped.

"Thank you." Glain begins, "Now listen, last night I overheard a conversation." He pauses, looking down as if he were holding something.

"Okay.." You say waiting for more. "Who did you overhear?" Before you can say anything else, Glain attacks his books and papers filled with writing and images.

He knocks them all off to the ground before burning out his candle, which merely put itself out. 

He moves the candle to the corner, before he runs over to one of the racks of books, knocking of a few, mindlessly. He reaches his hand back behind the shelf before he upholds something, pulling his hand out. He frantically sets the item down in front of you.
"Glain?" You look at him, his eyes on the door once again. You look down at the table, to see what he had placed down. In front of you lays a rolled up paper.

The paper is a yellow sand paper that reminds you of the letter Odin had ripped up and burned just yesterday.

"What is that?" You ask and Glain smiles at you. "There's something you need to know."

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