He thinks the baby is not his

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Jack Johnson: Jack and you sat in the doctors office waiting for the results of the test you both had just taken. Jack had accused you of hooking up with Gilinsky, and that's why you were pregnant because you and Johnson were always safe. He demanded a fertility test which made you furious. How could he not trust you. You both sat on opposite sides of the room and the doctor came in.

"Ms. (Y/L/N)." He handed you the paperwork. "Your child is in fact Mr. Johnson's."

"Thank you." You said as he left the room. When you looked over at Jack he was staring at the ground, refusing to make eye contact.

"I'm sorry." He shook his head.

"Yeah sure." You rolled your eyes tossing the paperwork at him and leaving the office. You left the room and he followed. On the way out to the car he caught up to you.

"(Y/N) hey." He grabbed your arm and you turned to face him. "I'm sorry okay? But you and Jack were getting so close lately. And I just jumped to conclusions. Will you please let me be apart of this baby's life?" You could see the apologetic look in his eyes.

"You're the only person I would want to be this baby's father." You answered deciding to forgive him. His smile was now the most heartwarming thing you've ever seen.

"We're going to have a baby."

Nash: You had just told Nash you were pregnant. You expected him to be kinda upset or nervous, sure. But saying he was kinda upset or nervous was an understatement. He was furious.

"I knew it. I freaking knew it." Nash cursed screaming and punching a big hole in his bedroom wall. You stood back slightly worried. "So it's Cam's baby huh?" He accused you. Your jaw dropped.

"You're kidding right?" You yelled back.

"I knew you two hooked up the last time he was here." He screamed throwing a book off the shelf.

"We've never hooked up Nash!" You yelled taking a step towards him.

"Bull." He yelled again, he was now inches from your face. You'd never seen him angry before. You started shaking out of nervousness. Sure you and Nash fought often but it was always about stupid stuff. To be honest, when things got serious and Nash got angry, you were never sure what he was capable of.

"Nash I swear. It's yours." You whispered quietly. His heavy breathing slowed down a bit, and his eyes softened.

"But we didn't..." He started.

"Yeah we did. The first night you were back remember. We both got really drunk and it just kinda.. happened." You explained. He hung his head ashamed.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered, his hand running through his hair. He tried to take your hand but you took a step back still nervous.

"If you don't want it I can.."

"No. I want this baby. I do." His eyes met yours. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby. I'm so sorry I assumed that it was Cam's. I should've known you would never do that. And I never should've yelled like that. I didn't mean to scare you. Can I make it up to you?" He went to take both of your hands and this time you let him.

You shook your head. "I just want the baby to have a good father. I want him to have you Nash."

"I can do that." He smiled pressing his lips to yours.

Cameron: You sat on Camerons's couch in tears as he paced back and forth in his room. Telling Cameron you were pregnant was nerve racking enough, and now he had just told you he thought it was Matthew's baby and not his, which of course it wasn't. Matthew sat next to you, and Cameron was about to confront him about the whole situation.

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