What your afraid of

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"Babe," Nash chuckled lightly, "I'd like to keep the circulation going through my arm, it's a limb i'd like to keep,". You blush slightly, loosening your grip on his arm, only for your fingers to latch back on at the sound of another roll of thunder. He looks down at you amused, but you simply glare back, "It's either this, or i'll be under that table,". He watched you for a moment, eyes widening as he acknowledged your serious tone, "You never -". "Yup," you smile despite yourself, "My sister and I hid under the kitchen table every time there was a thunderstorm and I'm considering going to the kitchen right now,". Nash smiled, moving his arm to wrap it around you tightly as he mumbles, "I'll be your table,"



You were just sitting on the couch with your laptop checking twitter. Matt was sitting beside you watching TV. Suddenly you saw something beside you, it started moving, a black thing with eight legs. You started to scream and almost threw your laptop away in your desperate try to get away from it. Matt stared at you confused. "Why are you screaming?" You pointed at the place where the spider was, your hand shaking. "A...a spider!" You yelled and Matt started to laugh, he lifted the spider up and started to walk towards you. "No Matt stop, don't come any closer!" You yelled and tried to get away. "Matthew Lee Espinosa I swear I'll kill you if get only an inch closer to me with that...thing!" You warned him and he laugh. He opened the window and let it outside.

"I saved you, now what do I get as my reward." He said and smiled. You giggled and gave him a long kiss.



Ever since you were six years old, you have absolutely hated clowns. They freaked you out. So, when Cameron suggested going to the amusement park nearby for their late-night Halloween festivities, you were a little weary. You hadn't told him about your fear but you thought it might be fun. As the night went on, you became more and more relaxed. That was until Cameron said, "Next up is the clown house!" "NO!" you protested, but Cameron wouldn't listen. He dragged you into the house, even though you were shaking. All of a sudden, a clown popped out of nowhere and you screamed bloody murder. When Cameron realized you weren't moving from your spot, he picked you up bridal style and carried you out. Once you two got out of there, he sat you down on the bench and said, "Babe, I am so, so sorry! I had no idea you were that afraid of clowns. I should have listened when you said no..." He kept going on about how sorry he was so you pecked him on the lips. "Cam, I'm fine; don't worry about it!" You guys stood up and walked back to the car. On the way home, he got you your favorite flavor of ice-cream because he felt bad.


Big Crowds

You and Carter have been dating for 5 mounts. You'd think that after all that time you have gotten used to the huge crowds of fans, but unfortunately you still haven't conquered your fear. You liked when no one bothered the two of you. However, today was not one of does days you pulled up outside the hotel venue and immediately the car was swarmed by fans. Nerves overtook you and you shrunk back into your seat. "There's no way, Carter." You whimpered, looking at his face with pleading eyes. "C'mon, babe It'll be fine. You know I won't let anything happen to you." Carter promised as he squeezed your hand and then guided you easily out of the car. You couldn't walk next to him due to the crowd, but he made sure your fingers were tightly interlocked as he stayed in front of you so that you did't have to face everyone head on. You're halfway through the crowd and it seemed as though your plan was working, but then a rowdy fan pushed another girl into you and you fell back. Suddenly you found yourself very alone; you felt like you couldn't breathe, your heart was beating like a locomotive, the fans were pressed in, and you couldn't see Carter anywhere. "Carter!" you yelled on the verge or tears; your voice was panicked, choked and shaky. Then Carter stepped through the crowd. He grabbed your hand, pulled you away, and ran you around the side of the building. As soon as you're alone he turned around and hugged you close. "It's alright, (Y/N). I'm here." He whispered sweetly.

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