Your short

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Nash: He uses that as an advantage. “Nash! Give it back!” You whine, reaching for your glasses. “Nope, you gotta get them!” “Nash come on give them back!” You plead, jumping, trying to steal them from his grasp. He shook his head, a victorious smirk on his face. “Nash!” You cry out, tired from jumping, and fell to the ground. “Aw little shorty, it’s okay bae.” He teased and the light bulb in your head went off. You stood up, grabbing a piece of paper and drawing four straight lines on it. “What are you doing?” He asked, lowering his arm. “This is the fourth time this week you used my height against me. So, I’m marking it down.” “Why?” “Every line calls for a week without me kissing you. Thank you very much.” You smiled innocently and grabbed your glasses walking away. “No! WAIT!” Nash called, trying the whole night to convince you to forgive him.

Matt: You were only like 5’4 and Matt was 5’11. Normally he would pick you up to kiss you if you were standing or he would bend down. Well, today you were out with the boys and, he was standing puckering his lips. You stood on your tip toes, but you still couldn’t reach him. “Babe!” You whined. “Hm?” He said, still puckering his lips. “Stop teasing. Bend down.” He smiled, and laughed. “Get taller.” You smirked and stood on your tip toes still. “You’re still short.” You started laughing. “Matt!” you yelled. He bent down, and kissed you. “Next time, jump.” he whispered. “Shorty.” he said still whispering.

Cameron: You groggily walked into the kitchen and opened the junk cabinet, spotting a brand new jar of Nutella at the very top. "Ughhh why me,“ you mumbled under your breath as you hoisted your petite body onto the marble counter top. Right as you were about to grab the jar of chocolate and hazel-nutty goodness you heard laughing coming from behind you. “What are you doing on the counter?”Cameron asked, grinning big as you clutched the Nutella. “You really think I can reach all the way up here?” you said with a smartass tone to your voice. He walked over to you and grasped your hand, helping you down onto the floor while he reached his hand up to grab a bag of chips that happened to be on the same shelf as the Nutella. “Jealous?”He smirked. “Jealous that you can reach up there and I can’t?” you laughed, “I may be short, but I found my way to get it didn’t I?” You smiled smugly, pointing to the jar in your hand. "I guess.." he muttered, “But next time, just tell me to get it, I don’t want you falling and….I don’t know…breaking your neck or something,” He said seriously as you grabbed a spoon and dunked in into the Nuttela. You stuffed it into your mouth, “Sure babe, whatever you say,” you smiled, Nutella ending up everywhere around your lips. He walked over and grabbed your waist, kissing you, “Yum,” He said cheekily, licking his lips as he walked off to the living room.

Carter: “Um…..Carter?” You snarled, looking up at his smiling face. He chuckled, “What is it babe?” “Would you like to remove your arm from my head now?” You questioned while rolling your eyes at him. “Aw, but you make such a great armrest,” He complained, pouting out his bottom lip as he finally lifted his arm off your head. You attempted to fix your now ruined hair and gave him a slightly dirty look. “Oh…so since I’m shorter, you think I can be your armrest?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him. “Um….well basically….yeah,” He laughed while you punched him in the arm. “Wrong answer asshole.” You smirked, playfully hitting him again before he quickly leaned down and pecked your cheek.

Jack J: You weren’t much shorter than him, but you were short. One day at the house, you were sitting down with the boys, with Jack “See how short she is!” Jack yelled. “Not much. Only one inch.” He smirked, and kissed your temple. “Still shorter than me.” he teased, turning back to the boys.

Jack G: Jack loves it, because this way he gets to pick you up and easily throw you over his shoulder, or tuck you under his arm playfully. He likes to lean on your head and call you his leaning post, and smirk when you give him a gentle shove, but his favourite is just when he gets to cuddle you. You’re tiny and he loves how you fit perfectly in his arms, how his strong hands can grip you and press you against him, your cheek to his chest while his hand gently strokes your locks. Jack likes that he gets to keep you safe, he gets to protect you, he gets to prove to the world that he’s perfect for you and can look after you and treat you with kindness

Aaron: Hide and seek was both your favorite game to play on rainy days, even though both of you were mature you were both still children at heart. Your small size always came in handy, you could get yourself into places Aaron wouldn’t even think you would fit in. One time he had found you in the movie cabinet.

Shawn: Whenever things are too high and you can’t reach them he’d tease you about it. “Are you sure you don’t need help babe,” he chuckles. “I’m sure,” you say struggling a bit. He’d then walk over and get whatever it was down. “Babe I don’t mind helping you at all,” he’d say wrapping his arms around you.

Taylor: He finds it sexy. Because of your much more petite body, he always gives you his clothes to put on. Baggy sweats and muscle tees, just two of the many things he loves to see on you. They hang off of your short arms and practically fall off of your waist. He cradles your face in his hands as he kisses you passionately. “You’re so tiny.” He chuckles, body craned over yours. “And it’s so sexy. Especially when those clothes are falling off of you.” He winks and you bite your lip, jumping into his arms.

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