Type of boyfriend he is

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Nate: Nate gets jealous so easily it drives you mad. One minute he's all smiley and laughing and the next his arm is tight around you and he's staring down whatever male even glances your way. At first you'd admit, it was a turn-on. But then it just started to feel like he didn't trust you anymore. One night you finally confronted him when you were sure you'd spent the entire evening out with friends under his protective arm and stare. He finally broke down and confessed that you're everything to him and he knows that no matter how hard he looks, he'll never find someone like you. Someone who makes him breakfast on Sunday morning and laughs at all his dumb jokes and completely supports him and his music and makes him happier than he's ever been. And that's terrifying for him. So he holds onto you as tight as he possibly can because he knows that you're it for him.

Kenny: Kenny is the complete opposite of jealous. He's protective, sure, in the way that he'd kill a spider for you or defend you if someone ever dared to say anything negative about you in his presence, but jealousy just wasn't a quality that he seemed to have. Sometimes you wished you could set that little green monster of his into action by flirting with the cute waiter or holding eye contact a little longer than necessary with the handsome barista, but Kenny simply shrugged it off with a smile and walked away. And sometimes you found it to be positively infuriating. On the other hand, you really cherished the complete trust he had in you. And at the end of the day, you realized you could do without the passionate envy when he had all the passion in the world in his love for you. 

Gilinsky: He likes to keep things to himself, and you're no exception. It isn't that he's ashamed of you-not in the slightest. In fact, he's amazed that a girl like you would even look his way more than once. He simply prefers to keep things private. He's been allowed so little privacy in the years of his growing fame that he craves it, especially with something as precious as you. So he'll hold your hand in public, maybe even steal a couple pecks on your cheek but it usually ends there. You don't mind having the things you do in private stay a secret. 

Shawn: Shawn does anything and everything to return the support you give him. You show up at every single one of his shows, rehearsals, the studio, he names it and you're there. Even when he doesn't expect you to be. You're just so proud of the boy you love and he is desperate to show you that he feels the same. So no matter what it is; your family member is in the hospital, you've landed a minor part in a play, or you're involved in a competition; Shawn will show up, even if it causes a frenzy. He just wants everyone to know that he is every bit as proud of you as you are of him. 

Johnson: His favorite hobby is causing that joyous giggle to bubble from your lips. It's his favorite, and he'll do anything to hear it. Usually he'll freestyle some ridiculous rap about something you're doing; your personal favorite was his three-minute-long rap about scrambled eggs. But sometimes it's funny texts and snapchats or dumb pick up lines or really whatever he can find in his scattered brain, anything to make you laugh so he can relish in the sound and become infatuated with your smile all over again. 

Sammy: Sam is constantly documenting the things you do. His snapchat story is almost entirely pictures and videos of "his baby girl" doing the most trivial things and yet, he wants to remember it all and have everyone be as enchanted with you as he is. His camera is also filled with pictures of you smiling and laughing and even sleeping, and he'll proudly display them to his friends or even post them on Twitter, boasting that he has the most beautiful girl on the planet. He just wants to show you off in every way he possibly can. 

Matt: No matter what, Matt is always your favorite person to be around. Even when you're mad at him, he does something stupid to make you laugh and you're right back to being in madly in love with the dork. He's the one person you can be weird as hell with and he still thinks you're a goddess on Earth. He's your best friend as well as your boyfriend and you couldn't ask for a better combination. 

 Nash: Nash loves to hold you close at all times. If you're standing in line at the store, he's wrapped around you with his chin on top of your head. If you're cooking dinner at the stove, his hands are firmly on your waist. If you're watching a movie or just laying in bed, you're in his lap as his hands weave through your hair. He loves having you near, always. 

Taylor: He loves to sit back and watch you shine, which is something completely new to him. He's always the loud one, the charmingly funny one, the complete and utter center of everyone's attention, but when you're around he's different. He's quiet and observant. He's willing to decrease his intensity turn down his own volume just to hear and cherish everything you say and become entranced with everything you do. His friends laugh and tease by saying that you should be around all the time, because it's the only time Taylor ever cares to shut up. 

Cam: Cameron is made of 100% boyfriend/husband material. It's instinct for him. Yet when he's with you, he's not as confident in his abilities. He feels subpar to you. You're the sun that shines on his world and he'll always feel inadequate in some way even when you assure him countless amounts of times that he is perfect. But his insecurities don't stop him. He's always there to hold the door for you, or grab you tampons and chocolate at the store, or kiss away your tears. He's always there to make sure his sun is shining brightly. 

Aaron: Aaron has this habit; and you'd never even noticed until a friend brought it up; he studies you. He watches and examines everything you do, no matter what it is. He's amazed by your simplest movements because he's sure he's never seen anyone cut vegetables, or sing along to the radio, or tuck their hair meticulously behind their ears with the same undeniable grace that you do. You're an angel in his eyes; otherworldly. And everything little thing you do makes him fall more and more in love with you. 


 Tell me what you think, loves :))

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