Quirks they love about you

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Matt- You're a grammar freak

One thing you could not stand was bad grammar. Matt knew this and loved to annoy you with it. He would text you from here and there using abbreviations and you wouldn't answer back. You were on the couch watching tv when your phone went on and a message from Matt popped up. "Bb ilysm u dnt understand" you rolled your eyes and texted back "SPELL IT OUT GOD DAMNIT!" as soon as your message delivered you saw the typing bubbles and waited for his response. "y if u already kno war i mean" You were getting frustrated "I'm not talking to you." You heard your front door slam followed by laughter. Matt walked in and looked at you and laughed while you rolled your eyes. "Babe if i get you that mad talking like that i don't want to know how you treat Shawn."

Aaron- Winks without realizing 

You had been invited to go to Magcon with the boys and were currently back stage as they began getting ready for their show. Aaron was talking to Matt and you were sitting by Mahogony. You were looking at Aaron and smiled and then catched a glimpse at Matt who was looking at you weird. Matt turned to Aaron and whispered something in his year, five seconds later Aaron bursted out laughing and began walking your way. "Babe Matt thinks you're flirting with him" Aaron said as he laughed at the horrified look in your face. "What? why?!" you cried "You keep on winking at him." You groaned and buried your face in your hands. "ugh i'm out of control aren't i?" Aaron smiled "I think it's cute, and if anything i'll just say you were winking at me but he was just getting in the way." You laughed and kissed his cheek "You're sweet babe, now get back on stage!"

Jacob- Bad pick up line habit

If it was cheesy and romantic you immediately fell for it. Whenever you and Jacob were apart and would talk on the phone you'd use cheesy pick up lines to lighten the mood. If the conversation started getting sad and you felt as if one of you would cry you'd simply just say something completely random and then follow along with a cheesy pick up line. "Hey babe are you Jamaican? because you are Jamaican me crazy!" Jacob laughed and you felt the conversation begin to ease. You missed Jacob, but you knew he loved what he was doing so you supported him every step of the way.

Dillon- Can't bare to throw anything away.

You were moving in with your mom and you had called Dillon earlier to help you pack. You had already separated your things and were left to put them i boxes and just throw out whatever wasn't needed. Dillon walked into your room and smiled as he sat down on your bed. "Alright i'm here, what do you want me to do?" You looked at him and pointed at a pile of things "just look around and see what could be thrown out." Dillon got up and began searching when he opened your box of memories which you basically stuffed with a whole bunch of things. "y/n this all looks like trash to me" you got up and snatched the box away from him "Those are very special to me" Dillon looked at you and laughed "Y/n why would you keep a napkin? and a dirty shoelace?" "That napkin was from the restaurant you took me on our first date, that shoelace was when i won my soccer tournament when i was like 7, they were from my lucky cleats which are probably thrown around there." Dillon just stared at you "Can't you just collect pictures instead? these things reak!" he said as he pulled out the shoelaces. You laughed and pointed at the garbage bag "Alright fine, i guess it's time for me to start new memories and leave these ones behind with the house." Dillon smiled and pulled you into a hug "Sounds like a good idea to me"

Cameron-  Refuses to hurt any animal/insect

You hated bugs, absolutely hated them, but never had it in you to kill them. Cameron thought that was the cutest thing in the world, you on the other hand thought it was humiliating. You would scream once you saw a cockroach but didn't want Cameron killing it once he walked in. You made him pick it up and simply throw it outside.

Jack Johnson- Sees a dirty reference in everything

Ever since you were about 12 you began using that dirty mind you carried. Your friends thought it was funny, and after all you were small and immature back then. Having a boyfriend like Jack never helped you avoid your habit he usually just made it worse. The guys thought you two were perfect for each other by the way you instantly shared a look and smirked once someone let out something sexual. "That's what she said!" Jack would cry and you would smack him and say "Shut up Jack, they don't need to know the things I tell you." The guys would roll their eyes and let you two be your usual selves.

Jack Gilinsky-  Borrows things and won't give them back

You couldn't help it, you just loved smelling like your boyfriend. Whenever you two were together you would take one of his hoodies and end up leaving with it. One day you were stuck in your room studying when Jack walked in shivering. You looked at him and laughed "Babe what's wrong?" Jack jumped in your bed and threw the covers on him. "It's freezing outside!" "Then why aren't you wearing a sweater?" Jack looked at you and roller his eyes. "Well I would've y/n if i had any left" You covered your mouth and laughed walking over to your closet where at least 50 of jack's old hoodies fell. "Oops." you said raising your arms in defeat. "You're lucky you're cute babe" Jack said tapping the bed as he motioned you to cuddle with him.

Sam- Can't sleep alone

He thought it was adorable. The way you would Skype him at night at the most random times. Whenever Sam would travel with Jack and Jack you would feel empty, mostly because you weren't used to sleeping alone. You missed the way Sam would have his arms wrapped around you, or the way you would cuddle into his chest before falling asleep. His voice calmed you down, and he would tell you stories about his day and random fan encounters. Sam talked to you until he was sure you had fallen asleep, not wanting to see his baby girl suffering.

Shawn-Your Singing

Whenever you were home alone and got into your cleaning mode you automatically broke out into song. You didn't think much of it but couldn't help it either. It was like a bad habit you were trying to break. You forgot to lock the door one day and the music you were blasting was to loud to hear Shawn walk in. He was mesmerized by your vocals and thought you had serious talent. From that point on he included you in his videos and sang duets.

Nash- Tapping your foot

You and Nash were still in high school being 16 and all. You two shared most of your classes and always ended up up sitting right next to each other. He knew how nervous you got before an exam and just loved how you would tap your foot the whole time you were working. If it ever got out of control he would try to calm you down and put his hand on your thigh holding you down. This would cause you to lose focus and make an absolute stop at the tapping.

Taylor- Your habit of not cursing

You and Taylor were an odd couple and everyone knew that. You two were complete opposites. He was loud and outgoing you were quiet and laid back. He was the king of parties and you were the stay at home on tumblr girlfriend. You and Taylor had your differences, but that just made your whole relationship more interesting. One thing Taylor noticed about you was  that you never cursed. Not ever, no matter how angry you got you never managed to let anything slip. He loved that about you, the way you kept your decency around others. He knew he had a dirty mouth and was glad you were there to even things out.

Carter- Making innuendos without realizing

You couldn't help it, it just came out like if nothing. You had a bad tendency of making innuendos without realizing and Carter would burst out laughing the minute something dirty came out of your mouth. "Didn't know you felt that way babe" he'd say after you asked for things you weren't really asking for, if you follow. You chose to ignore it but Carter always waited for you to let one slip.

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