Your a gymnast

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Cameron Dallas: He absolutely loves it that you're a gymnast. He has always been fascinated by the way gymnast can twist their body in the air and still land perfectly even though hundreds of people are watching them. He goes with you to your practices and will clap for you whenever you do something perfect. Going to practices with him is always fun to because he's open to trying anything and you are now teaching him how to balance.

Nash Grier: Nash has never been to a gymnastics competition, so whenever you brought him to yours he occasionally got lost or run off because he saw something cool. You'd run after him and have to hold his hand until you got to your dressing room. You kiss his cheek and tell him to watch from the stands with your family, and every time you saw him do so you'd get butterflies in your stomach.

Hayes Grier: Hayes had always watched Olympic gymnast on T.V. but had never seen it in person. So whenever his girlfriend was a gymnast he was so excited that he had went with you to go buy a new outfit for an upcoming competition. He'd pick an outfit and go, "This would look so cool on you, especially when you're flipping in air and stuff. Look at the flames!" You'd laugh and try it on for him and if he really liked it you bought it. You loved to see the big smile on his face when you walked on the mat with his favorite outfit.

Jack Gilinsky: Jack was always eerie on you being a gymnast. All he could think about was you falling off the balancing beam and hurting yourself. He'd sit in your dressing room before every competition and wrap your ankles and give you little pep-talks along with him telling you to be careful.  You loved how protective he was of you.

Jack Johnson: Johnson thought it was bad-ass that you were a gymnast. He thought any gymnast was strong and brave to be able to do all that on a mat. He adored you and your ability to flip. He'd go to your competitions and brag to the people beside him, "That's my girl. Isn't she incredible?"

Matt Espinosa: Matt had never really thought about gymnastics being anything different from a cheerleader. But, you taught him different. After you made him come to many of your practices and showed him how hard you had to work gymnastics was all he talked about and how good you were. You don't complain though, you're happy you taught him the difference between cheerleaders and gymnast and now he can pass it on.

Taylor Caniff: Taylor though it was awesome how you were a gymnast. He thought you were the best in the world because he saw how you landed and he didn't believe anybody could even come close. Whenever you were at competitions with him and he saw a girl giving you a dirty look he'd stare at them until they looked at him and he'd kiss you sweetly while he knew they were watching. He knew you got embarrassed when he did this but he wanted to shoe everyone that you were good and a great girlfriend.

Carter Reynolds: Carter never really liked gymnastics but once he started dating you and saw your passion for it he agreed to come and watch you perform. Once he did he fell in love with gymnastics, he'd come watch you practice every day, help you shop for outfits, and come to every competition. You sometimes think he's more obsesses with gymnastics than you are.

Shawn Mendes: Shawn sees gymnastics as hospital visits. After you had broken your ankle from a bad fall he watched you every day while you lay in the hospital bed and made sure you didn't hurt anywhere else. When you told him you wanted to continue competing he was mad and you could tell. He didn't say anything for a while but gave up and simply nodded, "Okay, since you love it so much. But, if this happens again will you promise me you'll stop?" You laughed and hugged him tightly, "I love gymnastics so I can't promise you. But I will promise you I'll try and be careful."

Aaron Carpenter: The first time you met Aaron was at a Magcon event and you told him you were a gymnast. He was completely fascinated by that and asked you on a date. Once you went on dates he became even more fascinated by you and your personality. So every once in a while you thank gymnastics for helping you attract the attention of someone you soon learned to love with all your heart.

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