Taylor Caniff Imagine

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You gripped your hair tightly, exhaling roughly as Taylor continued to shout stupid, weak insults at you. You loved Taylor, more than anything, but sometimes his immaturity and constant yelling, screaming, and cussing really got on your nerves. Today you had a ragging headache, and of course Taylor had come banging into your room, screaming and yelling away. So when you kindly told him to shut up, he blew up in your face, leading to the present situation. "Taylor just stop acting like a child for five seconds!" You yelled, pinching the bridge of your nose tightly to try and stop the throbbing pain that was pushing up against your skull. He turned and faced you, anger flashing in his eyes, and you knew that you had said the wrong thing. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP! IF YOU DON'T LIKE ME THEN WHY ARE WE DATING?" He screamed, hitting the wall of your bedroom, creating a fist sized dent. Thank God your parents weren't home, or else your dad would probably kill him on the spot, no questions asked. You felt tears begin to push themselves towards the front of your eyes, and it took all your might to push them back.
"Please stop screaming Taylor! I have a headache! And were dating because I thought you loved me, I guess not." You said as loud and as intimidating as you could. His neck turned red in anger, and you could see his veins pop out a little, so you pulled your knees up to your chest, pushing yourself against the headboard of your bed. "Oh God here you go again! Always questioning me! Why can't YOU JUST TRUST ME! I DON'T CARE IF YOUR HEAD HURTS! IF I WANT TO YELL THEN I MOTHER FUCKING SURE AS HELL AM GOING TO YELL!" He screamed even louder, towering over you, his fists clenched so tight that his knuckles began to turn white.
This wasn't the Taylor that you fell in love with. This isn't Taylor at all. Taylor never yells at you, never clenches his fists, and surely never scares you as he is right now. You squeezed your eyes shut, but tears still leaked out as you felt like your head was going to burst. "TAYLOR YOU'RE SCARING ME! P-PLEASE LEAVE!" You suddenly shrieked, louder than he had ever yelled. The minute the words left your mouth your head throbbed like someone was stabbed you and you just burst into full on sobs. Was this it between you and Taylor? Had you just lost the best thing that you ever had? But why wouldn't he listen to you? Your body shook with sobs as you sat in a little pile, hugging yourself tightly. You opened your eyes to let more tears out, and got a glimpse of your surroundings. There was Taylor, standing over you in the same position he was in previously, except everything about him had changed. He was no longer clenching his fists, and his face of anger was replaced with a look of shock and watery eyes at seeing you look so broken. "I-I scared you?" He croaked, slumping his shoulders forward. You didn't know how to respond, because you were still trying to subdue your cries and regain control of your breathing. "B-Babe I swear- I-I'm so sorry, I never meant too..." His breathing rapidly increased and his chest moved up and down spastically, and you knew from personal experience that this meant that he was trying not to cry. He tugged at his hair harshly and cursed at himself, which made your heart break in two.
"T-Taylor it's ok. I'm ok." You whispered, reaching your hand out and touching his arm. He immediately relaxed under your touch, and looked at you with red eyes that were filled with sorrow and relief. "Oh God I love you so much! I'm so sorry! I'll be more mature, I'll do anything." He said, throwing himself onto your bed and wrapping you up into his arms. The feeling of his cotton sweatshirt on your cheek, and his heart racing in your ear made your headache hurt slightly less, and you exhaled deeply into his chest.
"I love you too Taylor. So much." You said, drying your face with your hands before leaning up and connecting your lips, the pain rapidly decreasing in your head as you were slowly filled with relief that Taylor was still yours.

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