Monthly Gift

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        "Sammmyyy" I groaned, he also groaned. It was three in the morning and I was super hungry. " I want food" I smile wide awake. "There's food in the kitchen" he mumbled "Can you get me in-n-out please?" "In-N-Outs closed. Can you go back to sleep?" Sam was a grouch when you woke him up. "No. Can you go to McDonalds for meee? Pleeeaaassseee?" I whined shaking him. "No" "It's BJ week..." I bribed. " "What?" His head peeked from the blankets. "It's BJ week" "What do you want?" He says "Burger with larger fries. And a large coke. Love youuu. "He groaned and got up from the bed. Just when he was about to leave the bedroom I shouted "Oh! Sammy?" "Yes?" "Can you get me a box of tampons...?" I gave him and innocent smile. "The things I do for you."


        I gripped my stomach an let out a painful groan. "Baby" Taylor was laying next to me. "They hurt" I whimpered "What do you need?" "Heating pad. Pads. Advil. And Cuddles." I barely said before letting out another yelp. "I'll be back in like fifteen minutes. Hold tight, baby." He kissed my cheeks and left the room. Just as he said fifteen minutes later he was back with a bag. He placed the box of pads in the bathroom and set up the heating pad and handed me the Advil. Taylor returned to his seat next to me. "Your the best." I pecked his cheek. "I know" He joked and pulled me to him. "I love you so much Tay." "I love you too" Taylor rubbed small circles on your stomach while I soon fell asleep.


        "Baby? Can you bring me my charger?!" "Get your lazy ass up and get it your fucking self!" You snapped I soon heard the pound on the steps and turned to see Aaron done as happy as can be. "Are you okay?" Aaron sat next to me, I burst into tears sobbing. "I'm a terrible person" I cried Aaron was quick to react. His arms were around my shoulders pulling me into him. "Mother Nature?" I nodded and cried for another minute or so. "Chocolate, Movies, flowers, heating pad anything else?" Aaron asks "Tampons....?" "You got it baby gir" He kissed me and left to get "nature's basket" as he like to call it.

Jack G-

        "Jack..." I always got tired and lazy at my time. "Huh?" "Cuddle?" He shook his head as he paid attention to his phone. "Jaaaack. Cuddle?" I turned and faced him. He didn't say anything "Cuddle?" I was now laying my head in his lap. "Jack. Gilinsky. Cuuuuuddddlllee meee!" I stick my arms through his arms which were linked around his phone. "Fine" He puts his phone down on the side table and spoons me "Thank you baby." "Only for you." I smiled and soon we were facing eachother "I looooove youu." I pecked his lips. "I love you too." He laughed and we cuddled for hours.

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