How they propose

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Taylor Caniff: You were both on your regular morning jog. Taylor bent down in front of you and acted as if he was going to tie his shoe. He grabbed your hand and expressed his love for you, grabbing a velvet box out of his shorts pocket. He looked up at you and kissed your hand, "Will you marry me?"

Carter Reynolds: He takes you to your favorite restaurant on your 2 year anniversary. He takes you outside in front of a beautiful water fountain and gets down on one knee, "I love you with all my heart. Please spend the rest of our lives with me."

Aaron Carpenter: You were both at a Magcon reunion, 5 years after they had broke up. While he was in stage messing with the guys he randomly asked you up on the stage. You were currently backstage helping with the lights, but you hurriedly walked out on stage. Aaron got on one knee, "I know this isn't the best place to ask, but I can't wait. Y/N will you marry me?"

Matt Espinosa: You were both currently on vacation in the Bahamas. It was your 3 year anniversary and Matt wanted to go some where special. You and Matt were now walking along the shore line, the sun was going down and you were talking about your childhood. Matt suddenly stopped you and kissed you sweetly. He got on one knee and pulled out a blue velvet box. You covered your mouth and began to tear up. Matt smiled up at you, "I've been thinking a lot lately. I love you a lot and I can't wait to wake up with you every morning and have little Y/N's and Matt's running around. Will you please marry me?"

Cameron Dallas:You and Cam were out playing basketball at the local park. Cam had just dunk on you and you came up behind him and jumped on his back. Cam laughed, "My pants are falling!" You laughed and got off of him, noticing the little box that fell out of his pocket. You pointed down at it, "What's that?" Cam looked down at it and began to nervously twitch, "Well I wasn't going to ask you yet, but since you've seen it," He got down on one knee, "My love. Will you please be with me forever and play basketball with me late at night till we grow old?" You smiled down at Cam and began jumping up and down, "Oh my gosh, yes!" you screamed. Cam stood up and put the diamond on your finger; he looked up at you and pulled your sweaty hair over your shoulder pulling you in for a passionate kiss.

Hayes Grier: You cheered Hayes' name as he ran down the field with the football tucked under his arm. You and Hayes were in your senior year of college and he his football team had made it to the Cotton Bowl. You were so proud of him, the team had worked so hard and it was good they were being rewarded. "Wooo!" You screamed as Hayes made the winning touchdown. You ran down onto the field as did other fields and ran to Hayes who had spotted you and began jogging in your direction. He tore off his helmet and gave you a big hug along with a sweet kiss, "I'm so proud of you, baby." You told Hayes. Hayes grinned at you and laid his helmet on the ground; he got on one knee and took a little box from one of his buddies. He looked up at you and opened the box, "I love you." "Yes!" you interrupted. Hayes irrupted in a fit of laughter, "Will you marry me, babe?" "Yes!" You screamed again.

Nash Grier: You cried as you slid down your parent's front door. You and Nash just had a big fight and you left your shared apartment and came home. Your mom rubbed your arm and sat down beside you, "He loves you Y/N. This is just a bump in the road, it will happen. I promise, babe." Your mom laughed as she emphasized 'promise'. You sniffled and laughed along with her. You pulled her into a hug but was interrupted by a knock on the door. You stood up and steadied your breathing; you knew who it was. Your mom gave you a reassuring smile and you slowly opened the door, "Nash?" You gasped. Nash's face was red and puffy, tears were streaming down his face. His arm had a gash across it and blood was running down his arm. "I love you, Y/n." "Nash, oh my gosh, what happened?" You grabbed his uninjured arm and drew him inside. Nash laughed a little, "I have some anger issues." You gave him a stern look, "What are you doing?" you asked as he went down on one knee. "I know this is a terrible time to do this, but babe, I can't lose you. I want to know that I always have you. Will you marry me?" You began to cry again and slapped his arm, "As long as you never come to my parent's house looking like that." You joked.

Jack Gilinksy: Jack had taken you out to a barn in the middle of a field. It was decorated with strewn lights across the top and in the middle of the barn was a table, set with food and wine. You gushed, "It's beautiful! How'd you do it?" Jack pulled you to his side, "I had some motivation." He kissed your lips and pressed a button, slow music began to play and Jack got down on one knee, "I love you a lot, Y/N. More than words can describe. You're gorgeous, funny," He winked at you as a tear fell from your eye, "Will you please be my bride, my wife, my lover, and the mother of my children?" You grabbed Jack and brought him to his feet, you pulled him into a bone crushing hug, "Of course I will." Jack smiled brightly and grabbed your waist, "Dance with me, babe."

Jack Johnson: Jack had taken you to the recording studio. Candles were lit up and placed around the studio and a song was playing in the back ground; you weren't familiar with the lyrics, "What song is this?" Jack smirked at you and turned it up. You felt yourself begin to tear up at the words, and even better it was Jack actually singing. You looked over at Jack who had gotten on one knee and smiling brightly at you; you gasped as you realized what he was doing, "Don't make me cry anymore Jack!" you joked. Jack smiled even wider, "I'll make it short and sweet then. Will you marry me?"

Shawn Mendes: You couldn't believe what Shawn was doing right now; you had never been more embarrassed in your life. Shawn was up on stage during one of his concert with a slideshow of you when you were younger and pictures of you and Shawn that you thought you didn't look any good in. Shawn found your face in the VIP section, "Come up here, babe." You gritted your teeth, you hated being on stage in front of thousands of girls. As soon as you stepped on stage you fast walked to Shawn's side and gripped on to his side. Shawn grabbed your hands and undid your tight grip on his shirt, "Relax." He whispered. You found yourself calming down at his comfort. Shawn kissed you on the forehead causing 'Aw's" from the crowd. Shawn smiled at you and bent down on one knee, "I love you, Y/N. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and never forget those fun moments we had. I want to make many more. Will you marry me?" Shawn asked a little shyly. You grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss, "Yes."

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