Your Song

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Aaron Carpenter: Cool Kids- Echosmith               This would be your favorite song because when you met Aaron, he tried so hard to be a cool kid. But you didn't care. You accepted him the way he was and he'll always be your 'Cool Kid'.

Brent Rivera: Close As Strangers- 5 Seconds Of Summer               This would be your favorite song because Brent and you had a weird relationship. Since he was gone most of the time, you guys started drifting apart and it felt like you guys were becoming strangers.

Cameron Dallas: Try Hard- 5 Seconds Of Summer               This would be your favorite song because you were a bad girl with tattoos and piercings. Most people thought you were a freak of some sort but Cameron never stopped trying to get you to be his girlfriend. This song reminds you of how hard he works at life as well.

Carter Reynolds: End Up Here- 5 Seconds Of Summer               This would be your favorite song because Carter has been going through a lot of crap and one day, you asked him exactly how he got into that position. He played this song as you two thought about it and you soon fell in love with it.

Dillon Rupp: Greenlight- 5 Seconds Of Summer              This would be your favorite song because it's a sexual song. That is one thing you and Dillon would do all the time. It reminded you of all the long road trips you guys took with all the breaks. ;)

Hayes Grier: Say You're Just A Friend- Austin Mahone ft. Flo Rida               This would be your favorite song because you love Austin Mahone and flo rida. The song is catchy and Hayes performed it at a school assembly while dedicating it to you. He didn't do a great job but you were still in love with your best friend.

Jack Gilinsky: This Is How We Do- Katy Perry               This would probably be your favorite song because it gives off a care-free vibe. Whenever you were with Jack, you guys would do whatever made you happy. Whether it be just relaxing and watching movies or just being completely stupid, you guys didn't care what others thought of you.

Jack Johnson: First Flight Home- Jake Miller               This song would be your favorite song because while Jack was on tour, you missed him terribly. Whenever you told him, he always insisted on taking the first flight back home to be with you. It made you happy that you finally found someone you could share your life with.

Jacob Whitesides: Amnesia- 5 Seconds of Summer               This would probably be your favorite song because it made you forget all about your e boyfriend. Jacob had always been your best friend and he was like your own personal amnesia.

Kenny Holland: This Dance- Kenny Holland               This would probably be your favorite song because it's one of Kenny's songs. He wrote it before you met him but every time you're together and there's nothing to do, he'll burst into song and pull you up to dance with him.

Matt Espinosa: You & I- One Direction               This would be your favorite song because Matt would sing it to you, even though you both knew he sucked at it. It made you realize that he was the only one for you just as you were to him.

Nash Grier: I Like That- Before You Exit               This would be your favorite song because Nash heard it on the radio one day while driving and he showed it to you. You instantly fell in love with the positivity of the beats and the lyrics were something you loved a lot. Nash would sing you the chorus just so you would know that he loved everything about you.

Nate Maloley: Heartache On The Big Screen- 5 Seconds of Summer               This would be your favorite song because you felt like Nate would break up with you and this song had lyrics that described what you were feeling. you didn't want to be the girl that ruined his career and you were just afraid.

Sam Wilkinson: Can We Dance- The Vamps               This would be your favorite because Sam met you at a party and this song was playing so he asked you to dance. It's been your favorite song since that night. Sam isn't afraid to admit that he loved it just as much as you because the night it played was the night he 'found his perfect princess'.

Shawn Mendes: Oh Cecilia (Breaking My Heart)- The Vamps ft. Shawn Mendes               This would be your favorite song because The Vamps were your favorite band and when Shawn went on tour with Austin and them, you tagged along. You met the boys and they fought over you so they all wrote parts of the song for you because that's how you made them all feel (like you were breaking their hearts being with Shawn).

Taylor Caniff: Beautiful Life- Union J               This would be your favorite song because whenever you're around Taylor, he gives you a positive vibe. He always tells you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you. It also reminds you how meeting Taylor was the best thing to ever happen to you because he brought you out of your comfort zone with 0 friends, to being a social butterfly with tons of great friends who love you for who you are. Taylor had shown you that life itself is beautiful. Just like his favorite thing in the world (you).

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