How he kisses you

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Nash- Since Nash is so tall, you have to go up on your tippy toes when you want a kiss. Nash will wrap his arms around your waist and lean down until your lips meet.

Cameron- Cameron loves to make your kisses dramatic. He will pick you up bridal style and spin you in circles until your dizzy then lightly press his lips against yours.

Jack G- Jack will grip underneath your thighs so he can lift you lightly off the ground as he kisses you passionately.

Jack J- Jack loves your smile. Whenever he sees your pearly whites he grabs your hand and kisses you sweetly.

Taylor- Taylor loves to surprise you. You could be in the middle of a sentence when Taylor will get the urge to grab onto your hips and kiss your roughly.

Aaron- Arron loves to be a gentlemen. He always asks if it's ok before he gives you a tender kiss with his arms wrapped around you.

Shawn- Shawn isn't a fan of PDA. If you and Shawn kiss in public it is a brief peck on the lips or a kiss on the cheek or forehead.

Hayes- Hayes is shy when it comes to kissing you. He never wants to make you feel uncomfortable. This causes you to hug him and tilt your head towards him for him to realize he should kiss you. He kisses you softly and smiles the whole time.

Matthew- Matthew can get crazy. Whenever he is full of energy you grab him by hands and put him in front of you. Once he looks into your eyes he smiles and calms down and gives you a sweet kiss before getting hyper again.

Carter- Carter always waits for you to kiss his cheek first. Once you kiss his cheek he grabs your chin and locks his lips with yours.

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