How he acts towards you playing soccer

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Jack Gilinsky: Jack loves embarrassing you when you play soccer. He gets a few friends and will paint the letter of your name on their bare chests. They'll come to all of your games and line up along the side-line and cheer for you. He'll occasionally yell, "That's my baby!" whenever you make a goal. You get embarrassedbut you don't complain because you love having your own cheer section.

Cameron Dallas: He's very supportive when it comes to you and your sports. He's a big fan of soccer so he'll practice with you and watch soccer matches with you. He's always there when it came to big games and whenever college scouts came to watch your team; he calmed your nerves and helped you through it. You call yourself lucky to have a great supportive boyfriend even through the tough times.

Aaron Carpenter: Aaron loves to watch you love to play soccer. The smell of the wet grass, the skidding of balls across the ground, the sound the net makes when someone makes a goal, and most importantly getting to watch his girlfriend run up and down the field with a smile on her face. Whenever you look over at him in the stands you always see him with a wide smile on his face watching you.

Carter Reynolds: Soccer is one of his favorite sports, even though he's never played he get it completely and he loves to watching you run up and down the field with your team mates and showing off your skills. He always tells people you're his girl every chance he gets because he's so proud of you and how much work you've put into it.

Jack Johnson: You love it whenever he comes and watches you. He's always cheering and he talks your friends (who don't really like soccer) into coming and watching play. You're thankful for it all because he keeps your friends interested in watching it with the way he impersonates a reporter. You believe that he is a big reason why you and your friends are even closer. A plus also is; you get to see a bright smile on his face when he watches you and he runs on the field when you win to give you a big hug and a kiss.


only doing these because I ran out of ideas.

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