How he acts when your sad

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Cameron Dallas: When you're sad Cam likes to make sure he can fix everything. He tries and makes sure whatever is making you feel down he can fix it. Whether it was something a fan said or something he did. He tries not to bug you but he always kind of does. You don't complain though; you love the feeling of protective Cam.

Nash Grier: Whenever you're sad Nash will bring you everything you ask for. He comes over with flowers and your favorite food. Whenever you open the door he'll be standing there with his arms open awaiting your hug, you silently run into his arms and cry into shoulder. Glad you have someone like Nash to comfort you.

Hayes Grier: Whenever you're sad Hayes will come over to your house and take you out. He usually takes you to the park and he'll walk around with you, hand in hand. Once you're ready to talk he'lllisten to you completely and hug you when you break down.

Jack Gilinsky: Usually when you're sad you run to your room and shut the door, but you don't lock it. Because even though you don't want to see anyone there's still a little hope in you that Jack will come and make everything better. And fortunately he always does. He'll cuddle in bed with you and stroke your hair, whispering sweet little nothing in your ear. Once you begin to fall asleep he'll help you under the covers and hold you close to him till the morning when you're ready to talk.

Jack Johnson: Whenever you're sad Jack loves to make you laugh. He'll either crack jokes to you or reenact your favorite vines. Once he gets you to crack a smile or laugh he'll sit down beside you and hold your hand while you talk about what's been upsetting you.

Aaron Carpenter: Aaron is a total sweetheart when you're sad. He'll be your cuddle buddy all day no matter what he had planned thatday. You'll lay your head on his shoulder as he holds you around the waist, your favorite movie playing.

Carter Reynolds: When you're sad Carter gives you space as you think about everything that's happened today. Once you're ready to talk he'll listen to you then tell you a funny story afterwards to get you to laugh and forget about everything bad that's happened.

Shawn Mendes: Whenever you're sad Shawn will also give you space. He always knows when you're sad so he'll give you a tight hug and stay out of your way. But, when you're going to bed he'll spoon you from behind and rub your arm, whispering he loves you and if it's his fault you're sad he's sorry.

Matt Espinosa: Matt is the best person to have around when your sad. He doesn't rush you into speaking or bug you about anything. He'll lie silently in your bed with you as you stare off into space, just out of touch. You're usually the first to crawl over to him and cuddle in his arms as he reassures you everything will be fine, but on occasions he'll grab you when he knows your about to cry and pull you into his lap, stroking your hair as you fall asleep.

Taylor Caniff: When you're sad Taylor tries his best to keep your mind off of it. He'll carry you out to his car and place you in the driver seat and once he gets to the driver's side he'll hold your hand and drive around town with you while playing your favorite band.

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