He wants to start a family with you

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Nash: After a long day of work, you come home to find an empty house and a note lying on the kitchen table. Clearly written in Nash’s handwriting, you smile a bit as you gingerly pick up the sheet of paper. The first subtitle labeled “All the Things I Love About You” lists all of the things Nash cherishes about your character, ranging from your kind heart to your carefree nature. The second subtitle labeled as “All the Things I Love About Myself” has only one bullet. You begin to cry as you silently read off the word “You.” The very bottom of the page reads, “I want our children to be more like you because YOU are the best part of me.” Before you know it, Nash has his arms around you as you sob into his gray T-shirt.

Cameron: Arriving home after a day out with Mahogany, you’re met with a loud crash coming from your spare bedroom upstairs. You quickly run up your staircase and pray that you don’t come face to face with a robber. Thankfully, you’re met with the sight of Cam trying to rehang a picture of a far off galaxy. You do a double take as you gawk in awe of the transformed room before you; tears spring to your eyes while Cameron turns around. The new room he’s created is a nursery suitable for either a boy or a girl. He smiles at you and takes both your hands in his. “Surprise! Now we can make cute babies!” Cam laughs excitedly and you join in because you know that you’re standing before your soulmate.

Matthew: As you and Matthew sit in a preschool classroom, the two of you chat while you hold a little girl of about four on your lap. You both volunteered to help out at the preschool by Matt’s house because you thought it would be nice to hang out with the children, and being the carefree person Matt is, he happily agreed. When the little girl falls asleep in your arms, he makes a comment that you’ll be a great mom one day. You giggle and tell him he’ll make a great dad, pushing him affectionately. He just smiles and wraps an arm around you. “So, when can we start making Mini-Matts?” He asks. You kiss his cheek and lean on him. “Soon.”

Taylor: You and Taylor pull over on the side of the road to watch the stars. Sitting on the hood of his Lambo, he takes your hand in his. The two of you relish in the peaceful quietness that lies in the vacant back roads of Tennessee. He opens his mouth to speak but his lips end up closing on yours as you turn and kiss him. You pull back laughing and he smiles at you, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear and leaning back on the car windshield. Your arm links with his in between your bodies but you don’t speak until a shooting star goes by. You asked Taylor what he wished for and he looks down sheepishly before looking you straight in the eyes and saying, “I wished for children with you.” His eyes sparkle in the pale moonlight and you kiss him once again.

Shawn: On your wedding day, you and Shawn promised to always love each other but you made no plans to have kids. You secretly want to have at least three children but you don’t plan to tell that to him anytime soon. As you stand in the middle of a clothing store in LA, you make your way over to the maternity section and stare longingly at the clothes. “Let’s do it,” Shawn says. You spin around and raise your eyebrows slightly to force him into clarifying what he wants. “Don’t you want to have babies?” He asks with a smile. You smile back and wrap your arms around him while he holds you close, never wanting to let go.

Aaron: At your family reunion in
your home town, Aaron sees all of your siblings’ children running around. The two of you have been married for almost two years but all of your tours have prevented you from having kids together. While an old love song plays on the radio, Aaron holds you on his lap and asks you, on a scale of one to ten, how badly you want kids. You hold up ten fingers and he smiles softly. His green eyes flicker with unforeseen joy as he puts up ten fingers beside yours. “So, on a scale of one to ten, we’re at twenty,” he says. You nod your head in agreement as Aaron kisses your forehead kindly.

Jack G: You and Jack hit up a club down in New York just to have a good time. As you dance under neon lights, he seems to be holding you a little bit closer than usual, like he doesn’t want your mind to wonder elsewhere. Another drink and he can’t stop looking at you. “You’re beautiful!” He shouts over the loud track playing. You thank him as he leans down and kisses your lips. He quickly pulls away and shouts something else that you don’t quite catch. You motion to him that you can’t hear him. He shouts again. You shake your head no. “I wanna have kids with you!” Jack yells as the music cuts momentarily. All eyes fall on the two of you but you simply laugh it off and pull him in for another kiss so he knows you want the same thing.

Jack J: You’ve only been dating for a couple of months but you and Jack are already getting serious. If he asked you to marry him right know, you know that you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from saying yes. You go back and forth through text messages, revealing weird facts about yourself and all of your crazy hopes and dreams as quickly as Jack tells you all of his. In minutes, you realize that he understands you more than anyone else in the world. Your phone goes off and the sentence, “If we get married, I wanna have lots of kidsߘܬ” flashes before your very eyes. You bite your lip and text him back that you do, too. Yep, he’s definitely a keeper.

Carter: You and Carter turn on the TV in your home in Miami. Seeing all the baby animals makes you want kids but you stay silent and watch the program. When Carter compares you to a female lion, you look at him like he’s gone crazy. He laughs at your confused expression while you lay down on the couch, resting your head on the armrest. You begin to smile a little as Carter lists all the similar characteristics you have similar to a lioness. Apparently, you’re “fierce,” you’re “loyal,” and you’re “not one to be messed with.” You laugh out loud at that last one. “You deserve to be a mom one day,” he smirks as he looks back at the TV. You take this as Carter’s cute way of saying he wants to be the father of some really cute “lion cubs.”

Hayes: You and Hayes spend a Saturday afternoon babysitting Skylynn. You play games with her and have a picnic at the park before coming back home to watch a movie. As the credits roll, you stop the film while Hayes picks up Skylynn and carries her up the stairs. You join him in the bathroom where you give Skylynn a bath, have her brush her teeth, and then move her to her bedroom so she can sleep for the night. As you tuck her in, Hayes kisses her forehead lovingly while you both tell Skylynn that you love her. Flopping down on Hayes’ bed, he puts his arms around you from behind and whispers in your ear, “I want to be a dad one day.” You roll over so that you’re facing him and tell him that you want him to be a dad, too.

Jacob: You’re going crazy looking for your cell phone which has been missing since early this morning. When you finally find it sitting on your bed, you press the home button only to find your wallpaper has been changed. It only takes you a second to realize it’s a merged baby picture of you and Jacob, the words at the bottom of the screen saying, “I WANT THIS.” You unlock your phone to see that the wallpaper of your home screen has been changed as well. Now, it’s a plain black screen that says, “DO YOU???” You have no clue what’s going on, but before you know it, you’re looking into Jacob’s brown eyes and saying the word “yes” over and over again.

Sam: While you watch Sammy’s YouNow with the Jacks, you trace your finger around the edges of Sam’s face. Omaha is boring without him and you want him to return from Sand Diego as soon as possible. When a fan asks the three boys if they’re ready to have kids, they all answer no except for Sam. He knows you’re watching because he text you the time when they would be live streaming. He leans closer to the camera and goes on to say, “I want to have kids so bad and I know my girlfriend does too cause she’s beautiful and perfect. I wouldn’t mind having a bunch of little girls that are just like her. She’s amazing.” You smile at the screen and tell Sam you love him at the exact same time he says, “And I know she loves me, too.”

Dillon: While you and Dillon watch Taylor play with Tristan, you discuss how Taylor would actually make a really great dad. Dillon agrees but says that he himself wouldn’t make a good father. You’re shocked because Dillon is honestly one of the sweetest people you’ve ever me. You begin to ramble on about how great a person he is and how much you love him until you can see him start to snicker. You stop talking for a second. “Would YOU want to have kids with me?” He asks as he presses his lips together to keep from smiling. You smile happily and peck his lips gently to tell him yes, yes you would.
I added a lil extra ;)

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