Favorite Personality trait

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Carter: Brave, You were brave and had a lot of confidence. You didn't mind standing up for what was right, it didn't matter what other people thought. Carter admired that, and appreciated it. 

Nash: Charismatic,  You had the magnetic personality that people loved.You attracted a lot people, you were outgoing, bubbly, and all around fun to be around. Your personality even rubbed off on the people around you. Nash loved spending time with you and your charming personality. 

Taylor: Independence, You were very independent, you didn't buy into all the cliques and stereotypes. You were pretty bad-ass and Taylor loved that. You didn't care what other people thought, you didn't need their opinion. You had a bold personality that nobody could duplicate.

Matthew: Ambitious, You always had big dreams and goals. Some of which people might say were "impossible". You knew what you wanted to do in life, and you were determined to accomplish it. Matthew admired your persistence and how you wouldn't give up. And, when you didn't succeed you picked yourself up and tried again.

Cameron: Enthusiastic, You were a very positive person, who always tried to look on the bright side of things. You had a little spark of enthusiasm when you were with Cameron, and he loved that. He loved making you smile and how energetic you are. And, when he was feeling down you always knew how to enlighten him. 

Jack G: Creative, You love trying new and artsy things like a diy slip'n slide, or twister with paint. You always had a new idea planned for you and Jack to do, and every time something different. You would drag him an empty field, a watermark, or a posh ice-cream parlor. He loves how you two are never bored.

Aaron: Nurturing, You were very empathic, and you gave great advice. You were kind and caring, always making sure everyone was happy. And, if not you tried your best to help fix that. Aaron loved how you comforted him when he was down, give him advice, and how much compassionate you were.

Jack J: Confident, You were a very outgoing and extroverted person. You weren't afraid to introduce yourself to a random person, put yourself out You were brave and had a lot of confidence. You didn't mind standing up for what was right, it didn't matter what other people thought. Carter admired that, and appreciated it there. You could make conversation easily, you were very fun to be around and silly. Jack loved how made you friends and weren't afraid to be yourself around anyone.

Shawn: Witty, You were sarcastic as hell, and always had a comeback for everything. Some would call it mean or rude sense of humor, but it was quite comical. Whenever someone started an argument you had no problem telling them off, and why they were wrong. 

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