He defends you

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        His muscles tense up. It's as if his veins were sticking above his skin. If that makes any sense. But one thing is for sure. He was mad. Real mad. He rushed over to the very rude guy. He lifted the guy by the fabric of the v-neckline of his shirt as if it were easy for him to do so. "You just don't talk about my baby girl like that." He said with that attractive accent that turned you on, and that has turned on millions of girls to be honest. With that said, Harry puched the guy in the face.


        You were with your prince at a meet and greet. So far all the fans were amazing. But there came one person. "Your just a fat slut. And just a black bastard." this apparently silly guy told you. That made you feel inseure. You always had self-issues. You weren't neccesarily fat you just had big hips which made your butt naturally look bigger, and you had big boobs as well. Sometime you didn't like how curvy you were, or how you didn't have the height of a model, or how your nose looked, when you shouldv'e loved all those imperfections. Niall's face pretty much made it clear he felt like killing the guy. He jumped on the  guy "Don't call her that." Niall said with gritted teeth, and ended up completely beating the guy. You and Niall were arriving home. You were silent. You didn't know what to do "You're perfect" Niall told you, and pecked your forehead.


        The minute that stupid guy hurts your feelings, Zayn immideatly beat him to death. Nobody messes with his favorite person in the world. As simple as that.


        Liam at the time had an Arizona tea with him. When the guy hurt your feelings, Liam poured the Arizona tea all over his head, and laughed. Then, he punched him in the stomach.


        "Hellaaa no!!! You don't talk to my girl like that!" Louis defended you with that sassy tone of his. And kicked the rude guy, the Paul came and took the guy. Louis can be the sassiest when it comes to protecting the love of his life.

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