Taylor Caniff Imagine

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You were so excited to surprise your boyfriend Taylor of almost 2 years. Because he was apart of magcon, you hadn't seen him in a month! He was going to be back in a couple of weeks but you couldn't wait. You texted Cam and told him you were about to board your plane to San Diego. When your plane landed and you got your bag and all that fun airport stuff, you texted Cam that you'd be at their hotel in 10 minutes.

 When you arrived at their hotel, you saw Cam sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby. "CAM!!!" you screamed. You were excited to see all the magcon boys too because you were close with all of them, especially Cam. "(Y/N)!!!!!" Cam screamed running over for you and embracing you in a hug. "Let me take those."

Cam said taking your bags and walking over to the front desk with you. After checking in, you got a key to Taylor's room, said a quick thanks and see ya later to Cam and ran over to the elevator, dying to see Taylor.

Once you got to room 234, you slipped the card in and walked in, practically shaking with excitement. You gasped and dropped your bag when you saw Taylor...making out with another girl. Taylor heard and look in our direction.

"(Y/N)!! Wh-why are you here? I-its not what it look like!" he said. "Really? Cause it looks like I wasted $1,000 coming to visit you cause clearly you're too busy. I can't believe you Taylor. Two years, two fricken years that were complete waste of my time cause it's so over!"

You said with tears running down your face. As you ran out of the room, you heard Taylor yelling for you to stop and come back and how he was sorry but you kept running with your head in your hands until you ran smack into someone's chest.

 Nash's chest. "(Y/N)!!! So good to see you aga- are you okay?" Nash asked instantly becoming concerned. "Tay-taylor ch-cheated on m-me" you choked out! Just as you said that, Taylor came running down the hall looking for you.

 "(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. She was a fan and she seemed cool and I missed you and she came back to my room and well, things got out of control. I'm so so sorry." Taylor rambled, trying to convince you but you weren't believing any of his shit.

"You didn't mean to shove your tongue down her throat!" "No, well yes, but no!! Ugh I don't know, I'm sorry ok?" "Yeah, okay" you said giving up. "So were all good, you forgive me?" Taylor asked hopefully. "Sure, but its over." You said.

You didn't want to hear his lame excuses anymore so you started to walk away. When Taylor went to grab your wrist, Nash stepped in front, holding him back as you walked out of his life.

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